Chapter Twenty

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Two strips of admiral blue ribbon ran down the ivory bodice meeting a band of the same shade at her waist. Dandelion yellow threads woven together to create small flowers, each petal accented by gold. Green leaves joining each flower together, adorning the hem of her long skirt. Her hair pulled back into a chignon. A blossom crown of orange roses took the place of her veil. Shaking fingers ensuring it was secure as she held up a handheld mirror. A knock and Isabella walked in. The swishing of her lapis blue skirts as she crossed the room to her daughter.

"Dearest, you looked beautiful," Isabella said, placing her hands on Danika's shoulders. "Here, allow me to help."

"Thank you, Mother." Her hands falling to her sides as Isabella adjusted the crown.

"I want to give you some advice, my darling. Love never dies. We hold it in our hearts in remembrance or it evolves into another kind. The love we share for our children. Treasure each day you have with Alexander because I know he loves you beyond words and you feel the same way. This is the only start of your legacy, Danika. Hold on each day together and know when to let go," Isabella said, tears welling up despite her smile.

Danika threw her arms around her mother. Isabella hugged her back tightly, pressing a kiss to her daughter's cheek.

"I know, I miss him too but never forget he loved you."

The vermillion and orange glow of a fire competed with the soft yellow one of an oil lantern. A bouquet of metal rods in one corner. Various items forged of metal proudly stood on his workbench. Tools put away on racks to cool down. The blacksmith stood behind the not in use anvil, where new creations were forged and so too were new bonds.
A brocade jacket of cream and admiral blue clothed Alexander alongside with his usual black breeches and boots. He stood by the door. Silvio and Amelia arrived first followed by Victoria Salzburg.

"Are you ready?" Silvio asked Alexander.


The ambassador gave a nod in the direction of the inn which was a short distance from the blacksmith's. Alexander spotted Isabella who turned to her side, holding out a hand. Danika appeared and all air left him as she appeared.

His bride.

His mate.

His love looked utterly beautiful.

Alexander propelled himself forwards, closing all distance between them. He took his soon-to-be wife's hands, bringing them up to his mouth for a kiss.

"Danika," he said, his voice thick with emotions. "You looked beautiful, my little dove."

A pink sheen across her cheeks. Her smile a warm caress across his skin.

"Well now, this is more people than I expected. Are we here to stop the wedding or have it?" The blacksmith asked, addressing the entire group.

"Oh, we are here to ensure it goes to plan," Victoria replied.

Inside, Alexander and Danika gathered in front of the anvil. Silvio and Isabella moved to stand next to them as witnesses. A cord of twine lay on the anvil. Danika noticed it first and couldn't help but smile seeing the extra embellishment. She meet Alexander's gaze and his knowing smile. Her pink ribbon from the ball.

The blacksmith cleared his throat, ready to begin.
He directed his attention to Alexander first. "Take her right hand and repeat after me."

Danika slipped her right hand into Alexander's.
The blacksmith told him the words.

"I, Alexander Seares hereby take you, Danika Du Carte to be my wife," Alexander repeated before adding his own words. "I hold your hand now and will continue to do so until my dying breath for there is no one else but you."

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