Chapter Five

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A parquet floor of beige met columns at each corner of the ballroom. Lush green ivy tumbling down the ivory stone. Musicians off to one side, playing a soft melodious tune. A row of candle lit chandeliers ensured there were no dark corners. Everyone here was under a spotlight and many welcome such a thing. Gowns of the finest silks mingled with penguin suited men. Some the ladies knew; their brothers or fathers, the other gentlemen were a prospective suitor or even their future husband.

Silvio may be hiding his true desire for Amelia for the sake of a public image but nothing could hide his smile as he had her on his arm. His suit a dark contrast to her gown of chartreuse. Amelia proudly wearing his gift upon her pearly white gloved hand, a bracelet of sparkling emeralds. Small white flowers woven into her chignon. A few heads turned, seeing the Viscountess Salzburg enter the ballroom in shamrock green. Green feathers artfully completed her braided bun. Commanding such a presence meant Danika who followed Victoria in, was lost to the background.

Danika's gaze swept over the ballroom, a knot in her stomach, would she see Alexander or would he spot her first?

Prince Julius stood off to one side, his hands behind his back. He nodded at something  Prince Matteo had said. There was no denying that the Prince of Spain was handsome, his chiselled features appearing as if he stepped out of an artist's painting. His good looks and title meant he wasn't short of admirers hoping to snag a prince. Even now, young ladies stood close by in various shades of blue silks, waiting for their chance. Prince Leopold, a blond male with a youthful appearance smiled as he stood next to a dark haired beauty in watermelon pink. Her mother in a similar shade of pink half-turned, giving other debutantes and their mother a smug look.

Surprise flickered across Danika's face as she glanced around. Prince Alexander wasn't here, dashing a few young ladies's hopes. News had reached the ears of society that he too was looking for a bride. Apparently, it was neither Salzburg sisters who let the word slip but the Prince himself.

The beginning note of the quadrille dance began and a familiar scene to Danika was played out before her eyes. Gentlemen would approach, their hand extended only to choose the lady beside her. It stung and she did her best not to let it show. She averted her gaze from the odd one or two lustful glances thrown her way. One white gloved hand clutching at the other wrist. Holly had braided most of her hair into a bun except for a handful of curls which she twisted tightly into ringlets to sit over her shoulder. The pink ribbon was tied into a bow and pinned to her left. Rouge upon her cheeks.
At least, I have William.

When the dance ended, the crowd parted to allow the dancers to rejoin their companions and disbelief slammed into Danika. She stared at the sandy hair coloured gentleman who had his back to her but his features were unmistakeable. William. Victoria returned to her guest, the illuminating smile on her face dimmed seeing who caught Danika's attention. The viscountess reached for her but she slipped through her fingers. Amelia joined her sister since Silvio had needed to step out for a moment. She followed Victoria's gaze and her mouth silently formed the word, "no."

Neither gentlemen next to William noticed her approach.

"William," she breathed out.

He stilled, hearing her voice. His expression anything but delighted to see her as he turned to face her. His friends gave them space but  didn't go far.

"Miss Du Carte." His voice polite. His smile having lost some of its charm.

"T-they said you were ill," Danika said.

William gestured to himself. "As you can see I am perfectly fine."

"I-I don't understand."

"I-I don't understand, he repeated in falsetto voice. "By the gods, do you ever stop," he said coldly.
Danika stumbled back, a pained gasp escaping her. This wasn't her William, it couldn't be.

"Allow me to explain," he said with a sneer. "You were nothing more than a fuck to me. I mean how could I not want breasts like those." He gestured to her body. Cracks ripping across her heart.

"I had hoped that once you believed that we were going to be married, you would take certain liberties but that proved impossible. What with your we must wait until the engagement is finalised," he continued, mocking her with a humourless chuckle. "As if anyone would marry a blabbering wallflower."

His words a stinging slap. Her heart shattered.

"William," a woman in a mint green gown said, walking up to him. Her tone of affection. It hit her like a tonne of bricks, seeing him reached for this woman. This is what Victoria and Amelia knew, William Arbor was married and Danika had been...all colour drained from her face.

"Oh, Hattie thank goodness. This harlot has been accosting me," William said, rising his voice louder.
To Danika's horror, several heads turned in her direction. Hattie glared at her.

"No," she said in a horrified whisper.

Her heartbeat a thunderstorm in her ears. Her gaze frantically searching their expressions, hoping for a glimmer of them believing her words. There wasn't.  

"He is lying."

Tears pricked her eyes. Humiliation burning her.

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