Chapter Nine

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Two days later, Gerald's sister Portia arrived at the Du Carte Estate. She stood in the centre of the parlour. A high crowned hat nestled atop her russet brown waves, its upturned brim tilting over her forehead. Humphrey, the butler didn't even get the chance to open his mouth to ask for her coat when she barged into the parlour. One pointed finger and her stony expression had sent Danika scurrying to her room. Or so her aunt thought. Danika was in fact sitting on a step on the stairs just out of view. She couldn't see Portia anymore but she could heard her perfectly.

Isabella closed over her book on her lap, clasping her hands together atop the cover. "Portia, this is a surprise. What brings you here?"

"You know damn well why am I here?" Portia said, an edge to her voice. She held up a scandal sheet. "Danika has gone and gotten herself ruined. The stupid girl and I thought you raised her better than that."

A soundless gasp escaped Danika.

Isabella's expression darkened. "Now, see here. Portia."

"No," Danika's aunt snapped. "I know about William's lies. However they would have been erased from memory in time. This. This is irreversible. She is a disgrace! No appropriate gentleman will want her now." Portia let out a humourless laugh. "What did she think was going to happen; that the prince would fall to his knees and propose to her. Oh please."

Her aunt's cold words a blow to her heart.

"She was hurt and from all accounts, Prince Alexander was kind to her," Isabella countered.

"Alexander," Danika said in a trembling whisper. Her eyes briefly closing as a fresh wave of tears cascaded down her cheeks.

"Kindness, oh that solves everything does it? No. Kindness is what left her compromised and possibly carrying his bastard," Portia all but yelled.

A pained cry left Danika's lips. One hand went to her stomach.

"If Gerald was here, he would be utterly appalled. I want her out of this house. She is no daughter of his!"

It was the blow to shatter her heart. She turned and ran up the stairs. A hand clasped to her mouth to stop the escaping sob. The book fell to the floor as Isabella rose to her feet. Her eyes blazing with fury as she strode towards her sister-in-law.

"Gerald left me this house and like hell, I am kicking my daughter out!"

Portia took a menacing step forwards. "You seem to forget that I own the lands. Your source of income. You will have a home but will starve so either you find her a husband who will overlooks this unfortunate situation or put her on the streets. However from this day onwards, she is no niece of mine."

Humphrey chose that moment to enter and hearing those words, immediately regretted his decision. He cleared his throat nervously. "Lunch is ready, ma'am."

"Oh good, Portia was just leaving," Isabella replied coldly.

A muscle ticked in Portia's jaw. She shoved hard past Isabella, causing her to stumble. Pausing by the front door, Gerald's sister glanced over her shoulder.

"Fix. This." She ground out before slamming the door closed behind her.

Isabella had just regained her footing when Humphrey's words nearly sent her to the floor.

"Ma'am, Danika heard everything."

All colour drained from her face, her mouth silently forming the word, "no".

Danika stumbled into her room. Suddenly she lost her balance and fell. Her body too numb and anguished to bother easing herself into a sitting position. She just lay there, her shoulders beginning to shake violently. London had been a painful reminder of the truth. To everyone, she was nothing more than a pretty body. An object hands wanted to touch but none wished to treasure.
She was tarnished by William's deceit but also her own actions and now she would reap the consequences.

Running footsteps. The swishing skirts of skirts as Isabella dropped to her knees beside her daughter. She pulled her daughter into her arms, clutching Danika to her heart.
All Danika wanted to do was make her mother proud, instead she brought shame to her family's name. The thought of her father's horrified expression was too much to bear...

"Don't," Isabella said, her voice thick with emotion. As if she heard her daughter's thoughts. "Your father loved you very much as do I. Oh, my darling this changes nothing between us, not one bit. You will always be my heart."

She placed a hand on Danika's cheek, her thumb lightly wiping at her tears. "The matter of being with child is something we will worry about when your courses are due. Until then, we will take things one day at a time."

"I accept Aunt Portia's terms, I will marry whoever will have me," Danika said in a quiet, broken voice. "No one wanted me when I was the one choosing anyways."

Words died on her mother's lips. Her daughter's pain tearing at her heart.

Danika let out a sob. "I- I don't understand why I cannot get him out of my mind."

A soundless gasp left Isabella. Her eyes widening.
The dragon bowed to the maiden and there was only one reason why he do such a thing.

He is her mate.

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