Chapter Nineteen

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Dark clouds shoved the sun to the side. Signs on shops were flipped to close. Curtains drawn. The butcher tossing scraps to the eagerly awaiting hounds. Wares were being stored away, the modiste hung up her measuring tape for the today. Children were called home for dinner. A young girl let out a gasp, skidding to a halt. Her hand grasping at her hair rather than her bonnet. She turned, searching the cobblestones for it. Spotting her bonnet, she hurried over. Placing it back on her head just in time as a sudden gust of wind tore through the street.
Shop owners paused mid-conversation, their eyes widening. The sight of the Carpathian Dragon flying attracted attention. However today, he wasn't the one who held their attention. No, that honour went to the obsidian and emerald green dragon flying next to him. Danika.

Folding up their wings, they dove down to Barron Street. Feet instead of claws landed on the cobblestones outside Alexander's temporary abode. In the alcove by the door, he pulled Danika into his arms, his mouth finding hers.

"You need to rest, my little dove as there will be little of it tomorrow night." His voice a low whisper against her lips.

Danika smiled. "Shall you be joining me?"

Alexander opened the door. "Shortly, I must speak with Silvio first."

Surprise flickered across her face as Danika stepped inside, her valise in hand. The trunk containing her wedding dress was on its way to Gretna Green alongside her mother and the Salzburg sisters. Given that Victoria was the one to invite her to the ball, it was only right that Danika return the favour by having her attend the wedding.

"Wait, he has not left yet but Scotland is a long journey and even if he leaves now, he risks missing the ceremony."

Alexander clasped his hands to hers, taking the valise from her. "Silvio owns a Ravendell horse. He will be there on time no matter the weather or terrain."

He saw Danika's puzzled look.

"Born of fog and clay, A Ravendell horse is a midnight black stallion with a iridescent sheen on their manes that many people claim has the appearance of oil. Some even say they can heard the dripping sound of such liquid. They do not tire nor required anything further than the command of their master or mistress," Alexander explained.

"What of highway men? Surely a creature stands little chance against a bullet," Danika said, her brows furrowing.

"A weapon forged by man cannot stop a Ravendell. Silvio will be fine."

"I am glad to hear that, I know how much he means to you," Danika said softly, placing her hand on his arm. Alexander's other hand closing over hers.

Danika paused at the sound of hooves, the hem of her nightgown in her hands. The horse slowed to a halt below her window. Boots hitting the cobblestones. She heard the door open and Alexander's voice. A clipped response and then ambassador fell silent. What on earth is the matter with him?

Shrugging on her nightgown, she left the bedroom. The moment her foot hit the bottom step, she heard raised voices.

"It has nothing to do with Danika's status or her reputation, Alexander!"

A gasp escaping her at his words.

"Danika sees me as both a man and beast and love me no less for either and what Silvio, you want me to abandon the woman I love." Hurt slashed at Alexander's words.

Silvio was sitting in the chair next to the fire while Alexander stood with his back to the door. The ambassador's shoulders were slumped. His face crestfallen.

"That is not what I meant..." Silvio's voice trailing off as he ran a hand along his forehead. "Danika may care for you deeply but she hasn't said the words which means you are still blood bound to the lineage of the Voivode of Wallachia. To Mircea. And you know what he will do to her." The ambassador's voice grew quiet. "He will claim to have perceived Danika as a threat and the terms of the blood bond means you will do the unthinkable to protect him."

The cold horror of his words hitting home for Danika and she couldn't hold back her pained cry. Her feet faltered in the doorway.
Alexander's heartbeat a deafening roar in his ears as he turned to face her.

"No," she said in a trembling whisper. "No."

Alexander rushed to her and for a moment he truly feared that she would run.

"Danika please." His voice shaking as he took her hands in his. "I would end my very existence before ever letting my hands be stained with your blood." His head bowing low.

"But you have no choice unless the bond is me it seems". She turned to Silvio.

"You must love the beast and man equally. Wanting no other side over the other and declare it," Silvio said, repeating the words Alexander told him long ago.

Alexander whirled, facing his ambassador. "Words are not enough, there must be meaning behind it."

"But I do mean it," Danika replied softly. Alexander stilled at her touch on his arm. His gaze met hers. "I love you Alexander as you truly are."

He opened his mouth to respond when pain slammed into his chest, causing him to stumble back. One hand clutching at the sudden inferno of agony. His breathing becoming a series of shallow pants. Danika reached again for her mate, cracks ripping through her heart. Silvio lunged off his chair, rushing to his prince's side.

The pain suddenly released its hold and he sank to his knees. Danika crashed down next to him. Seeing his mate's tear-stained cheeks, he pulled her into a fierce hug.
One hand cradling her head as his lips brushed her forehead. "I am okay, Danika," he murmured.

"Alexander," Silvio gasped. "Did she...."

The prince tore open his shirt. The mark was gone. Alexander looked at Danika.

"You saved me," he said hoarsely.

Danika just felt a sense of overwhelming joy that stripped her of words and air. He cupped her face in his hands. Her fingers closing over his.

"I love you too," Alexander stated.

He then captured her lips in a blistering kiss.

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