Chapter Seven

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Viscountess Salzburg, is it true?" Lady Elton an older woman in purple asked.
"That brazen young hussy is staying with you." Her tone aghast. Her gaze gleaming with intrigue. Her words attracting attention. Fans further dragging Danika's name.

"Daphne, my dear I had no idea where you heard such a thing but Danika is nothing more than a polite young lady who has unfortunately been a victim of a vicious lie," she replied coolly. She glanced at the onlookers, her lips almost curling back in disgust.

Daphne Elton opened her mouth to protest when her gaze landed on Silvio. She fixed a smile upon her face, the pursuit of gossip forgotten for another.

"Ambassador, I have yet to see Prince Alexander tonight. I do hope he will make an appearance. My daughter Emma is quite the accomplished dancer," the woman boasted. A pretty blonde hearing her cue, hurried to her mother's side. She dropped into a curtesy, her expression of innocent sweetness.

The corners of Silvio's mouth twitched upwards at the woman's charming attempt. "I am sure your daughter is a graceful dancer but his Highness has already chosen his partner for this evening," he said.

"Who," the woman spluttered.

The doors to the ballroom swung open. All heads turned. Jaws dropped. Expressions utterly stunned.

"Well now," Victoria exclaimed, seeing Danika on Alexander's arm. "How interesting." Her lips curving into a smile. Amelia glanced to her left and saw William standing there, scowling.

On the dance floor, Danika turned to face Alexander. The flip of music sheets, bows at the ready. He held out his hand. Steadying her nerves, she accepted his hand. The air she just caught escaping again as his hand curled around her waist. She placed a trembling hand on his upper arm. A flute signalling their cue to begin. Taking the lead, Alexander guided her, twirling and spinning around the dance floor with ease and grace.

"Danika," he said softly, seeing her gaze everywhere but on him. "Look at me."

She did. Seeing those rich earthy brown eyes of hers, all air left him. Her scent of lavender wrapping around him in an embrace he didn't want to escape from. Her smile a caress across his senses. Her touch while soft possessed the power to make him bow willingly. Now he just needed to make her his...

Seduced by the melody, she was lost to everything but the feeling of being in a prince's arms. While he possessed the facade of a man, she could easily picture his leathery wings unfurling, becoming dark curtain around them. A safe embrace, shielding her from the world she wished to escape from. Her gaze flickered from his eyes down to his mouth, her own lips parting. Her heart a fluttering butterfly in her chest as he lowered his head....

"Unbelievable," a woman in mulberry spat out. "The hussy is throwing herself at a prince."

The words pierced Danika, shattering her earlier bravado. Her face fell as the words reached Alexander's ears too. He spun her out and she braced herself for him to inevitably push her away in disgust...

Suddenly, he pulled her flush against him. His fingers splayed across the small of her back, holding her to him. A soundless gasp left her lips. His expression dark, causing her to flinch.

"Why do they say such vile things about you?" A deadly edge to his voice.

"Someone who I thought was mine told them I am no better than a harlot," Danika said, her voice growing quiet. Her cheeks burning with humiliation. Would his kindness also turned to scorn? For a reason she didn't understand, the idea of him hating her too was unbearable.

"I was a fool to think someone could want me," she said, her voice barely a whisper but Alexander heard them and they were a strike to his heart. Rage may stir his blood but his touch remained tender as he placed a hand under her chin, tilted her head up.

"You are wrong, Danika," he said, his voice low and soft. "I want you."

His words as potent as a caress across her skin. A shocking but far from unpleasant urge flooded her; she wanted to give in. To surrender to his wicked touch, his kisses. To test how true the scandal sheets actually were. William's deceit had left her reputation in tatters so what did she really have left to lose?

"What would you have done last night when you found me," she asked, a breathless note to her voice.


He swept her off her feet to the utter shock of high society.

"You can put me down you know. I am probably too heavy," Danika said.

The cool night air soothing her red cheeks. Alexander glanced at her in his arms. His muscles bunched, his grip vanishing. She let out a surprised squeal as she was suddenly thrown airborne. He caught her again, her arms lacing around his neck.

"You beast, I wasn't expected that," she said.

Alexander chuckled. "That was the point, my dear. To me, you are as light as a feather and no, I have no intention of putting you down."

She raised her hand to bat him for it but meeting his gaze, her hand fell. He was looking at her, amusement in his gaze but there was something darker there too. Desire for her. Her gaze flickered down to his mouth then back to his eyes.

He lowered his head but Danika beat him to it, her lips pressing against his. For a moment, she regretted her decision, having never kissed anyone except for the odd peck on the cheek. Alexander quickly took over. His lips a gentle tug on her bottom lip, making her part them for him. When she did so, his mouth sealing over hers. His hand on her cheek as he kissed her. Long and throughly.

Danika broke the kiss. Her lips swollen,  her breathing ragged.

"The one who left you was the fool," Alexander bit out. "You are mine now." Lust coating each word.

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