Chapter Two

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A vast hall of white columns and walls, doors leading off to other rooms on either side. Bouquets of dendrobium orchids decorated the flat curve of the banister, the grand staircase itself made of ivory marble. An ornate vase or two on end tables. Danika suddenly felt quite out of place in her rumpled dress and cloak while being in such a grand home.

"Holly, would you escort Miss Du Carte to her room?"

The maid inclined her head. "Of course."

She gestured for Danika to follow. As soon as the two were halfway up the stairs, Victoria grabbed her sister's arm, dragging her into the dining room.

"You mean to tell me, you slept with the ambassador to Muriel," Victoria said, amazement in her tone.

Amelia took a seat at the table, leaning back in her chair. Her lips curving into a smile as she traced a finger along the smooth oak of the table, remembering something else hard beneath her touch. Seeing her sister's smile, Victoria sagged slightly against the door. Her eyes wide.

"It seems I left quite the impression on him. Silvio wishes to see me again tonight." She propped her arm up on the chair's armrest, resting her chin on the palm of her hand. "Though, I suspect that you are more interested in hearing about the Prince."

"Amelia, make no mistake. I am delighted that you have found a gentleman and a very handsome one at that. I will admit however, I do wish to know if you meet him too."

While the Season was just as important for the young ladies hoping to secure a suitable match, it was also a chance for the King to conduct trade agreements with other countries. Invitations were sent and the princes had arrived to much fanfare given that two of them were in the market for a bride. Prince Matteo of Spain. Prince Julius of Italy, who unfortunately to the disappointment of several young debutantes was married and Prince Leopold of Prussia. The recipient of the fourth invitation, Mircea of Romania declined to come but sent someone else in his stead, Prince Alexander Seares of Muriel.
A male already described in heated whispers as the kind who would have you rolling around in furs with nothing but the warmth of his body to cover you.
Amelia had seen Alexander at the club. The dark haired prince had been siting alone at the far table to her surprise. His gaze solely on his glass of amber liquid. When she inquired about him to Silvio, he told her that his Prince preferred his own company when not conducting business.

"I did see Alexander and oh Victoria, he is just as ruggedly handsome as they say and I may know something that the other ladies do not." A smugness in her voice as she continued. "Prince Alexander is also in search of a wife."

Victoria let out a gasp, placing a hand over her heart. "My word. Mamas everywhere will throw their doe eyed daughters his way once they learn of this."
She pursed her lips together, a shame really that Danika was already taken.

A canopy bed of rich mahogany and white drapes opposite an unlit fireplace. A door to the left led to a bathroom and a vanity table next to the window. Thick ivory curtains drawn back to allow sunlight in. Danika having changed into a new dress, sat at the vanity. Pen in hand as she wrote to William informing him of her arrival.

"Oh miss, this gown is beautiful," Holly exclaimed, holding up a gown of taffy pink. Its sleeves trimmed with ruffles of the same shade. A panel on the centre of the skirt had been adorned with white ruffles. Danika smiled, cheeks reddening at the compliment.

"T-thank you. I intend to wear it to dinner with William's parents."

Danika stilled, curses she was supposed to hold her tongue about this important event.

"Don't fret, miss. Not another soul will know," Holly said in a reassuring tone.

Danika gave her a grateful smile.

"You must let me do your hair when it does happens, I have the perfect hairstyle in mind."

"I would like that very much," Danika replied.

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