preference 8

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you calming them down when they are angry[ maifa AU]


Jin's usually not the one to get severely angry and lose his temper. He usually takes his temper out on the training mat, allowing the training to help him relieve stress. But, right now is not the situation for that.

"What the fuck do you mean one of our men lost our shipment?" Jin roared, fists slamming down on the table top of his desk.

You frowned at your boyfriend, hating to see him this angry over something. You knew how much this shipment meant to him, but you also knew it wasn't going to effect them very negatively in any way. But in this case, Jin doesn't see it or does see it, but is too stressed out to realize that it's not that important as he makes it seemed to be.

"I-I-I don't know how, Sir. I gave the dealer the order and he wro-"

"I should probably kill you right here and righ-"

"-Jin." You cut him off, voice soft and disapproving.

You could see him immediately tense, but relax at the sound of your voice. Walking over to him slowly, grabbing the gun from his grasp and laying it on the table. Cradling his face in your hands, you made sure his focus is on you so the guy could leave from Jin's wrath.

Jin instantly relaxed in your touch, eyes closing, face nuzzling into your palm. "You do things to me, Jagi." He mumbled, kissing your wrist.

You only smiled in reply, happy that you got him to calm down.


It only took certain things to piss off your boyfriend. And when those certain things pissed off your boyfriend, you prayed for those who ever did pissed him off, because he has no mercy.

You can hear his booming voice from the kitchen- and his office is three floors up. Frowning, you don't know what or who pissed him this off, but you need to make sure that you don't have to clean up blood later - and to make sure your boyfriend doesn't lose it anymore.

Stalking to his office, you quietly made your way into it, giving an apologetic smile to Namjoon and Hoseok who watching the scene unfold. You noticed a body coward in the middle of the office, shaking violently from fear. You could see that he had to be at least 20, if not 18 or 19 years old. Taking pity on the young boy, you made your way over to Yoongi who hasn't even noticed your presence yet.

Wrapping your tiny arms around his waist, you could feel him calm down instantly. Wanting to keep his intimidating persona on, he scold you.

"Jagi, what do you want? I'm in the middle of something." His voice firm, but his body betrayed him by melting into your touch once you started rubbing your palm over his chest.

You ignored him, moving yourself so you could have his line of sight on you. Giving him a gentle smile, you cuddled yourself into him while pressing kisses to his neck. He began to relax even further into you, now drawing his attention away from the fearful boy.

"RM, J-Hope." Yoongi called out to his two guards.

"Yes, Sir?" They asked i'm simultaneously, making you giggle into his chest at them.

"Take him away to the cells for now." Yoongi commanded, not taking his eyes off of yours.

"Yes, sir." They complied, quickly doing as told.

Once you and Yoongi were left alone, he finally fully relaxed in your hold. Picking you up, he sat you on his desk, moving in between your legs. Laying his head on your shoulder, he allowed you to take control over his senses and make him relax.

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