Preference 5

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namjoon: the hand that's held out to you when the path gets blurred, and seeing through the smoke you've created is overwhelming. but his warmth permeates with a gentle touch. his gaze- those caring eyes are enough to stop, inhale, let go and find your way back home

jin: counting down the days until you're together in the same city. will pick you up at the airport. you'll cry against his chest because you can't deny a part of you is missing whenever distance paints miles between each other, but your absent piece is always safe with him

yoongi: you arrive home to a hot meal and your laundry done, folded and put away. reminds you it's ok to slow down and enjoy a moment, or maybe a few. falling into a night of domestic bliss. creates the perfect ending to a stressful week with ease because he loves you. "keep me company for the rest of my life"

hoseok: the one to bring you into an embrace, press his lips to the crown of your head. reminds you how it feels to be grounded. lightens the mood when it's needed, but provides more when your eyes fail to meet his. cocooned in bed, laying on his chest because there's something soothing about his heartbeat against your ear

jimin: "what can i do for you?" he'll ask as he brushes tears away with the cloud of his thumb. lifts your spirits with a smile. turns your day around with his voice or the scent of his cologne enveloping your senses. facets of his being are your calming forces. knows you better than anyone else

taehyung: tell him you're losing your mind, and he'll listen to the suppressed words of your blue and grey, waiting for him to release because he sees you. he's worth the vulnerability. always paints your sky a little lighter no matter how dark the storm

jungkook: after all your years on this planet, no ones presence has ever touched the relaxation he gifts you. taking a walk around the neighborhood when it's dark enough to exist without attention. you close your eyes beneath the cool breeze, indulging in the sensation of fresh air filling your lungs


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