Jungkook last part

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"Like you?" you scoff in disgust. "I'm not a murderer. I'm not someone that would kill another creature!"

"I'm not either!" he corrects, taking two steps forward to have you cowering beneath him. Why can't you run? Why won't your body turn away from him? Why can't you stop staring into his eyes?

"That book would say otherwise." You raise your chin as you speak. Even if you can't run away, you can at least feign courage. "You know... the one that tells you the tastiest ways to cook me! Ew, you're disgusting!"

Jungkook's jaw tenses a second before he pinches the bridge of his nose. You can only watch, even though after a few seconds you gain the strength to reach with your foot to slip on your sneakers. Though, they end up on the wrong foot, still putting all your focus on Jungkook to make sure he doesn't make any sudden movements, or cast any charming spells.

"That book belongs to my grandfather, the high priest of our coven," he explains softly. You hate the way your body relaxes just a bit from his tone, but now it makes sense why he has that effect on you. "I took it when I left my family a few years ago. Yes, there are awful things in that book but I've never done any of them. Well, apart from a few bad luck charms, but who hasn't?"

If you weren't terrified of the witch, you would probably laugh. Goddess knows you've done your fair share of the same spells.

"I did know what you were when I met you," he confesses, looking into your eyes so you will see his sincerity as he speaks. "Well, I knew there was something special about you. I was drawn to you. I couldn't stop thinking about you."

You bite your lip to keep from saying you felt the same way. You don't want this witch to know anything else about you. The fact that he knows what you are is bad enough.

"It didn't take long to figure out you were fae. There's a light that surrounds you. It's almost intoxicating. It can make anyone's day brighter." He reaches to rub the back of his neck as he speaks, shoulders slumping. "I was just happy to have finally found someone like me. Someone not human. It's been so long since I left my family, and our kind don't bond well with humans. I was just..."

He sighs, his words falling short. For some reason, the fear is pushed to the side, curiosity taking over. "You... what?"

"I just wanted to feel close to someone again," he admits, looking at you with wide, lonely eyes to have your heart skipping a beat, but you tell the stupid thing to calm down. There's no use in getting a crush on a witch that can chop you up for his stew at any moment, even if he is cute. "I would never hurt you."

You want to believe him. Truly, you do. If you're being honest, you understand how lonely it can get. You often think of your family, your brothers and sisters and cousins and playing pranks on one another and casting charms just to tease each other. It's been a long time for you, and he's right, it's not easy to bond with humans. Sure, they're nice when they want to be, but it's not like connecting with something magical, something supernatural.

Still, your parents warnings come into mind. You can't trust him. You have to look out for yourself.


Before you can say much, the boiling water in the kitchen begins to bubble over. The hissing steam echoes throughout the small apartment, pulling Jungkook's attention from you for a moment.

Suddenly, you have a chance to run. It's like your brain is finally telling your legs to move. With a sharp turn, you fling the door open and bolt into the hallway, hearing him call your name behind you, but you can't look back. You rush to the door at the end, running into the stairwell and hurrying to your own home.

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