Jin, J-hope, Suga

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"I'm coming!" You roared, drawing your robe closer around you and rushing down the stairs. It was three a'clock in the morning, it was practically still the middle of the night, normal people were supposed to be in bed right now. You'd been one of those people, that was until a crazy person had decided to come murdering your doorbell and bang on the front door. Who the hell was it? You were already annoyed because someone had the nerve to wake you up like this in the middle of the night. If you'd had to find out that whoever this was didn't have a good reason to be here you were going to knock them out. On bare feet you marched through the living room, into the hallway and all the way toward the front door. It wasn't cold in the house, but the temperature of the air compared to the warmth you'd felt underneath the comforter in your bed was such a huge difference that it caused you to shiver. You weren't supposed to be here.

You were supposed to be having sweet dreams with your boyfriend by your side. You wondered if he had even heard the sound of the doorbell going off? He hadn't moved or hadn't given a single sign that he was planning on making his way downstairs with you. You weren't even sure if it was a very smart move to open the door for someone in the middle of the night? What if it was someone who wanted to rob you but who wanted to get in without making things hard for himself? The doorbell resounded against the walls another time and you groaned in frustration as you stopped in front of it. Peering through the peep hole you noticed a girl standing standing on the other side. But even with the porch lights on it was too dark to recognize her. You frowned as you reached fro the locks and began to open them. She didn't look like one of your fiends, yet you were sure you had seen her before.

As soon as you pulled the door open a freezing breeze traveled past your bare legs, causing your muscles to tense. "What the hell..." You started, but were unable to finish your sentence as the strange girl in front of you lifted her head and her face stared right back at yours. How convenient. Wonderful. The mocking thoughts rang inside of your mind as she looked at you, her gaze glassy, as if she hadn't really seen you yet. She blinked her eyes a few times as you shot her an annoyed look. This definitely wasn't worth for you to sacrifice your sleep. "Where's Seokjin?" Her words were slurred as she extended a hand in hope to lean it against the wall to support herself. Instead she missed, and she almost tumbled right onto the floor of your hallway. Reaching forward you steadied her, grabbing her by the elbow. Though as soon as you knew she was secure on her own feet again you let her go, as if touching her burned you. That was what it felt like, to be quite honest.

You glared at her, wondering where she got the nerve to come looking for your boyfriend in the middle of the night. She was staring past you, probably looking for him. The whelm of alcohol floated towards you, making you scrunch your nose in disgust. Of course she was drunk. She was already unbearable to deal with when she was sober, you didn't even want to know what she was like in this state. You were just about to tell her that Seokjin was in bed, just like every other normal human being in this country and she had to get her ass off your porch, when all of a sudden you heard a voice coming from behind you. "Yuri?" Your boyfriend's soft and disbelieving voice caused you to squeeze your eyes in surrender. Couldn't he stay in bed for just a while longer? At least until you could have slammed the door close in her face and you could have pretended as if nothing had happened.

Now, you had to watch how she stumbled inside of your house, and threw her unsteady body on top of her ex boyfriend. Why couldn't she just leave the two of you alone? He had been clear to her so many times before, but for one reason or another she just couldn't let it go, she couldn't let him go. Even though you had heard the story and she was obviously the one who had broken up with her. "Seokjin! Please, I miss you!" She sounded like a wailing child and for a second you were sure she was about to get down on her knees and start begging him to take her back. She didn't even seem to notice that you were still standing here. "Are you drunk?" Seokjin asked astonished, his eyes slipped towards you for a moment before they slipped back to her. His hands rested on her upper arms to keep her from dropped herself on the floor and you heaved a deep sigh as you shut the door behind yourself. Something told you that he wasn't planning on sending her away. No matter what had happened between the two of you, he wasn't able to bring up the hate which you felt towards her. "I just...I just need you! You don't know how hard it is!" She mumbled again, her head lulling to one side.

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