Preference 7

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Jin:  At first he won't feel as if he has to do anything to get your love. He just wants to be himself and he convinces himself that just showing up in front of you every once in a while will do the trick. But once he notices how much attention you get from other guys and how close you become to his other members, he'll freak out a little. He'd expected this to be easy and then it turns out that it isn't. He'll break his mind about all the ways he can let you know that he likes you, without being too obvious.

He isn't really a talker, but when you're around he'd try to make an extra effort. At first he'd feel kind of uncomfortable and he'd get the feeling he's trying too hard. He'll try to swoop you into small conversations, like asking you about what you're up to and showing interest in it. After a while he'd start opening up to you and things would become a lot less awkward. He'd

He'll let you listen to his music, but only when it's finished. He won't let you listen to something he's working on because when you hear it for the first time he wants it to be perfect. He wants to impress you and he wants to remind you of what he's good at. He'll love it when you compliment him because of it and he'll give you that cute, full teeth smile and he'll chuckle proudly to himself. When his members tease him because he let you be the first one to listen to his new song instead of the he'll shove it aside and pretend as if it doesn't mean anything, but deep inside he knows it does.

Confessing to you


He'll keep his distance at first, not really sure if he's able to do this. Even though he gets seen as the though guy who doesn't give a shit about stuff, he obviously does and the thought of confessing what he actually feels for you terrifies him. He'll want to be sure if you feel the same way, but the fact that he sees everything as a mixed signal isn't very helpful. Each time he thinks you make a move towards him he'll wonder if perhaps he'd just imagined it.

He'll try to passive way first, shooting you glances from across the room and sending you little smiles. He'll greet you whenever he walks past you in the halls or when he 'accidentally' bumps into you when he's out. In that way he'll hope that you'll have the gut to confess to him first as soon as you figured out you liked him too. But after a while he would realize that wasn't going to happen and if he wanted for things to change, he'd have to take action himself. He'd definitely talk about this situation with Namjoon and Hoseok, asking them what to do and if all of this was a good idea. He doesn't have that much experience with following his heart and doing impulsive things.

Yet, in the end he'll make it impossible for himself to back out of it. He'll try to get you alone, when your friends aren't around and his members are busy doing something else and they won't notice he's missing. He'll trap you inside of a room where you can't get out without walking straight past him first. As soon as he has you alone he makes sure you notice him so that he can't just walk out. In his head he's got it all figured out, about how he'll cooly tell you that he thinks you're fun and he wants to hang out with you from time to hime. But honestly he's so nervous he might piss himself. And so he'll simply sit down with you and he'll send you that cute little smile, the one he saves for special occasions and he'll shyly as you if you'd like to go out with him sometime. I mean, how could you possibly say no to that?

Taking you on a date


Whenever he has some time off and he really wants to take a step back from his work to spend time with you, his first choice will be to stay home. He's always on the road even though he really likes being indoors, so he won't mind keeping the both of you locked up inside of the dorm as soon as he gets the opportunity to do so. If the others were out he would make sure the two of you could get comfortable in the living room. If the others were in he would set everything up inside of his room. He's watch some movies with you, lay beside you on the bed or he would talk to you about some serious matters. He likes it that you listen to him and that you try to understand him. Eventually he will probably fall asleep in the middle of your date, but you won't mind because you know how much he loves his naps.

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