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The lack of expression as you walked into the house took Jimin by surprise as he turned away from his phone to look up at you. He quickly stood up to greet you, holding his hand out for you to take.

"I'm fine," you told him, taking your jacket off instead, taking him slightly by surprise.

Jimin didn't want to push things as he stood back and let you sort yourself out from your long day. Judging by the look on your face he could tell that something had gone on, and when you were ready, you'd talk. Once you sat down on the sofa and pulled out your phone, then he decided to intervene.

"Do you want to talk about your day?" He questioned, offering you a weak smile.

Your head quickly shook in response to him, your silence only continued to make him worry more. He didn't deserve to have to listen to all of your problems when you were sure he had his own, instead it was much better for you to just deal with things yourself.

"Y/N," he whispered, brushing his hands over his face, "if you've had a long day I just want to be there to look after you, you don't need to shut me out like this when I'm only caring for you."

Your eyes rolled in frustration as he finally began to nag as a result of his own annoyance. As he moved across the room to sit beside you on the sofa, you brought your legs up under your chin before he could rest against them.

"What's wrong?" He sighed, resting against the back of the sofa, turning inwards to face you.

"I don't want to talk about it," you stuttered, shuffling a little further away from him, "sometimes things just need to be left as they are, I'm better with it alone."

He nodded but failed to really understand why you wanted to be alone. "I don't want to be pushy Y/N, but if you've had a bad day or something has gone on, maybe I can try and help you solve it or at least advise you."

"That's your answer to everything," you groaned, "your advice isn't always the solution to everything, you just think a bit of advice will make everything disappear. If you knew a bit more about my life, then you'd know that's not the case."

His body cringed at the harsh tone of voice you used with him, which only added to his concerns about you. "So maybe you don't want to talk about it, but won't a bit of company make you feel better, surely you don't want to be alone."

"Why do you always feel like I need you?" You asked.

Your words hit a nerve as his eyes widened, feeling a heavy gulp run down his neck. He wasn't quite sure what to say as he stared blankly across at you, giving himself a few moments.

"Because I know when I have a bad day, all I want is to be around you. If you don't need me, then that's fine, but you don't need to be so abrupt with me."

You glanced across at the desperation in his eyes, shaking your head gently. "I just want to be left alone Jimin, you being around me isn't always the answer to every situation like you think. You're right, I don't need you right now."

His body shrunk back into the sofa, giving you the space that you seemed to crave. You hated to turn him away so harshly, but all you wanted right now was your own space to just deal with what was going on without him being around you.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, choosing to move off of the sofa and across the room, picking up his belongings and making his way up the stairs to your bedroom.

As soon as you saw the hurt in his face you knew you'd made a mistake, all he ever tried to do was be there and support you, but instead you'd ended up just throwing it back in his face, not only hurting yourself, but him now too.

The slam of the door made you jump, as if you weren't sure enough how much you'd upset Jimin. He turned on the lamp on his side of the room, making himself comfortable on top of the bed, pushing his headphones into his ears.

You gave the conversation a bit of time before you tiptoed up the stairs and crept into the bedroom, watching his head glance over momentarily whilst you walked in, quickly turning away again once he'd seen that it was you.

You made yourself comfortable on the end of the bed, running your hands through your hair as you caught him pausing the music he was listening to on his phone. His body shifted so he was laying on his back, staring emotionlessly back at you.

"I'm sorry," you apologised, "I shouldn't have taken my mood out on you, it wasn't fair."

As much as he wanted to hate you, he appreciated more than anyone that your day had been the stuff of nightmares, even if your actions weren't justified, he knew they were never your true intentions.

"What are you trying to say?"

"That I was rude to you when you didn't deserve it," you sighed, moving a little bit closer towards him. "I do need you Jimin, and I always love your company, I don't know why I said what I said. I thought that it would just be for the best to deal with all of this alone."

He tapped against his shoulder, encouraging you to lay down beside him. Your hands gripped tightly onto the material of his shirt as you rested, feeling his lips press several times against the top of your head.

"I know that you're struggling, and I know your day was bad, but all I wanted to do was help you. I wish you wouldn't shut me out so much during times like these. I appreciate you want your space, but I was hurt Y/N when you said you didn't need me."

"I didn't know what else to say to get you to go," you admitted, "it was a careless thought."

He sighed softly, squeezing you a little bit tighter as he began to hear you sniffle, as the weight of your day finally began to overwhelm you.

"Just let it all go," he whispered down to you, "you don't need to hold any of it in around me, I'll be here until you feel stronger again," he encouraged, as you quickly used the hem of his shirt to wipe underneath your eyes, hearing a dejected giggle come from him.

You always knew how to push the boundaries with him, anyone else would have been screamed at for using his shirt in such a way, but you always knew that you'd get away it. Jimin found it impossible to ever find himself getting angry with you.

"Feel better," he smiled once you finally began to settle again, "even if you don't want to talk, I promise you that tomorrow will be better."

You nodded gently, "I'm sorry for being so horrible to you, I took my day out on you when I shouldn't have. I know deep down it's all because you care."

"Let's just move past it, you don't need to worry yourself anymore now."

"Just know that I'm sorry," you whispered, "I really do need you Jimin."

"I know you do, jagi."

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