Preference 6

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namjoon: missing him in the morning when the sun rises and its warmth pulls you from sleep. standing in a grocery isle, forgetting which scent of body wash you always choose because you're so used to smelling like his. blushing in front of your friends when you tell them you're in love. making him blush when you finally say the words out loud

jin: asking your sisters if it's too soon to say i love you because you've never said it before. but now everything he does brings that sentence to your mind, sprinkling the words on the tip of your tongue. he beats you to it, and you smile, coaxing him towards you to kiss your own i love you against his lips.

yoongi: quiet in his company as you contemplate how to share your feelings. second guessing your own because you're terrified of losing him if you move too fast. whispering the words in practice while he's sleeping... well, you think he's sleeping. but he says it back, under his breath, loud enough for your heart to skip a beat and the weight of your worries to vanish in the spanse of a single breath.

hoseok: laying side by side on the hammock at your parents house. you're in so deep. deep enough to see hearts in the clouds and take him home to meet your family. now you're laying beside him, wrapped up in his arms, speaking a language you'd only ever heard in romance movies. so this is what it feels like?

jimin: watching him live and exist and just be is all you need to solidify the truth of your feelings, and no part of you holds them back. they're out. they're said. they're heard, and it doesn't matter if he feels the same way yet, because his knowing is enough for you. you've never been the type to swallow your words or camouflage your feelings, and he makes it easy not to

taehyung: a paint brush in your hand wasn't something that came naturally, but you know it holds abundant meaning to him. enough meaning to be down on your hands and knees, painting your love on a canvas in any language you could think of. gifting it to him is like relinquishing a piece of your self. a piece that doesn't feel like a loss but a gain, as feelings held back are freed and returned effortlessly with bright eyes and gentle affection

jungkook: restless nights spent thinking about him. late night phone calls because he's wide awake too. feeling like a teenager in love when you're together. the feelings scare you— being this connected to anyone scares you. underlining words in your favorite novels that remind you of him with far more eloquence than your own verses hold. a part of you can't believe it's real, that it's happening, that it's him

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