Bruno x Reader 🍥

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I stared ahead watching my target move through the crowd. Silently I pulled out my stand as I joined the mob of citiziens. Getting closer and closer as I felt the small anxiety build. By now I was standing nearly next to him. He hadn't noticed, thankfully.

Knowing he was my target my stand lurched forward ready to use it's ability to pulverize the target.

"Found you." He grinned.

I stared in shock as an invisble stand revealed itself. Standing directly in front of my torso. Before my stand could block the stand it used its long claw to slice my stomach. Instantly Blood vomited from my mouth. I returned my stand as I stumbled into the alley away from the people. Tripping over myself I collapsed against the hard concrete.

"Tell the boss the hit is done." The stand user whispered into a phone.  Sparing another glance at me before walking away. Not even bothering to see if I was dead. The damage was done, they knew my stand wouldn't be able to heal this. I knew this information. I'm going to die.

Tears flooded though my eyes. My body had crumpled before I even realized what had happened. I cried out slightly in shock as my eyes stared into the wound. Blood gushing at an alarming rate. My skin already torn as it hung out mixed with fat. I squeezed my eyes as my body shook in horror. Forcing my hand to touch the blood,  applying pressure. Through my painful screams I managed to tightly hold in the river of blood. Still trickling through my fingers. Biting my lip I used my other hand to painfully dial Bruno's number.

My vision blurring from tears as I dialed Bruno's number. Desperately waiting as the phone rang.


"Hello?" Bruno answered. At this point a smile was bursting on my face, even as I was about to die.

"Hello my love, how are you?" I answered trying to hide the riveting pain and agony I was feeling.

My other hand clutching the deep gash, holding a large flow of the blood in. For now.

"I'm doing fine, we just finished another job from the boss." Bruno beamed. I heard the pride in his voice, warming my heart.

"That's great Buccellati, I already finished mine." I lied, biting my lip as I almost screamed in pain.

"Ah, that's great mi amore! How about we celebrate our victories with wine and dinner?" Bruno asked. In a flirtatious tone.

"Sure, but first. You know how much I love you?" I asked.

"Of course mi amore? Is something wrong?" His voice sounded concerned.

"No, I just wanted to make sure. I love you more than anything. Even if we-"

I felt tears heavily stream down my face. Clenching my fist I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Even if we what?" Bruno whispered unsure of where this was going.

"Even if one of is separated, I'll always love you. Forever my love." I explained. My fist shaking unbearably. Letting go of the pressure of my wound, the blood now freely flowing from my wound.

"Y/N what's the matter...Y/N?! Answer me?!" Bruno was shouting into my ear. I stared at the phone. A sad smile scraping onto my face. I shut my eyes using any strength I had left.

"I love you." With that I hung up the phone. My body falling limp as blood pooled around me.

sorry it's so short. I'm working on some new chapters so hopefully I'll finish soon. Thank you for 1k reads that's so cool!

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