Josuke x Reader 🌸🍥

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"Y/N! Breathe it's ok. I'm here." Your boyfriend comforted pulling you closer to him. Josuke carefully held you closer as you cried in his arms.

"Another nightmare?" He asked his tone was heartbroken and guilt ridden.

"Please don't leave." You hiccuped tears streaming faster than your head could handle. A headache ripped through your skull as you gasped for more air. Every time you tried to breathe with rhythm your breathing only increased. Until it was unstable hyperventilating.

"Y/N!" Josuke tried to yell over your loud breathing and sobs. Quickly sitting up from his laying position on the couch. Wrapping you into a tight hug as you clutched your arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry." You hiccuped burying your face in his shoulder.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Josuke asked slowly unwrapping the hug. Holding you in front of him as you both sat across from one another. His eyes were desperately worried as he fixed a stray hair that covered you face.

You leaned against his arms as he held you up. Your mind racing as you tried to form words to explain your fear.

"I-, uh. I was really, scared. And- you caught off as your broke down once more.

Josuke widened his eyes as you crumbled in his arms. He wanted to fix you, but he couldn't. It wasn't as easy as breaking shattered bones.

"The explosions. When- my freind exploded in front of me.." You expressed remembering the day you and your freind encountered Kira.


"Y/N LET'S COMBINE OUR STAND ABILITY AGAIN!" Your freind shouted as Kira continued to explode objects. Both of you desperately trying to dodge.

Rubble, and bits of glass were impaled through each of you. Yet neither of you faltered as you both attacked recklessly.

"Tch! You school girls are no match for me!" Kira taunted. Your eyes widened quickly wrapping yourself in a barrier. A loud explosion shook the road. Knocking you onto the ground as the  shock waves made you go deaf momentarily. Blood pooled around you as your head was slammed against the concrete. Your "indestructible" barrier was cracked. Causing deep cuts to crawl over your damaged skin.

Breathing deeply you shakinly stood up. A loud ringing was in your ears as you tried to grasp what was happening. The dust cleared showing the worst image you would ever encounter.

Your freind blown to bits already dead only two feet in front of you. Her eyes open as blood was streaming from her ears and other areas.

"AKIKO!!!" You screamed releasing your barrier as you ran over to her. Within seconds she exploded launching you backward. Smashing you into the side of a building. Kira's chuckles ran through the street as you coughed up blood.

"I told you. I would take your once beautiful hands but they seem to be damaged. Your already dead, goodbye whatever your name was." Kira's voice ran through your mind as he walked away.  You looked down noticing how your arm was ten feet away. Your torso was collapsing on itself. You were already dead in seconds you would die. But your eyes widened as Josuke sprinted over. Tears growing in his eyes as he saw you. In seconds you were healed, back to life. When seconds ago you were practically dead.

"He got Akiko. Two feet in front of me, she's dead Josuke!" You screamed hugging him as you cried. Okuyasu's eyes widened, along with the rest of the group.

Just seconds ago they were chasing after Kira, and he had already taken someone close.

"I'm sorry." You whispered.

Back to present

"You did everything you could." Josuke comforted. Giving you a gentle kiss.

"But it wasn't enough Josuke." You wept.

"He's in hell, Thanks to you. You saved so many people. Akiko is proud of you." Josuke explained. You nodded feeling better as you layed down with Josuke. Until you were asleep in his arms. Josuke watching over you as you were sleeping. Every time you trembled he would hold you closer until you calmed down.

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