Mista x Reader 🍥

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"So where is the don of passione? It's been 3 days. You could die any day now!" The voice gruffed out sending another sharp blow across my face. Blood spurting from my nose as the sting of the slap screamed on my bruised face.

"You'll have to torture me some more before I even take you serious." I spat coming out with some blood.

"Tch." The man grumbled pulling out a long silver chain. My eyes widened as I braced for the inevitable pain.

"Bitches like you deserver t-"

Gunshots rang out as I heard a familiar small cry of

"Y/NNN!!!" My eyes opened as I smiled the sex pistols were helping me. My ropes were untied.

"Are you ok?" Mista asked rushing over to me. I couldn't move, my legs were slashed and broken.

"I can't move.. or feel anything so probably not." I breathed out with a strained tone.

"I'll carry you, Fugo is already taking care of the others let's get out of here." He explained picking me up. I screamed in pain, but he muffled it with his hand. I panicked as my hand traced over my torso. It was covered in deep stab wounds, and slashes. I panicked as my hand was covered in blood.

"They really messed you up.." He mumbled as he ran out of the building. Screams of men indicating they were dying from Fugo's terrifying stand. Mista broke a window climbing out as I gripped onto him. My vision was already blurring as I could now feel my adrenaline pass.

"How bad?" I whispered trying to stare at Mista. His eyes were shaking as he looked down at me.

"Giorno will fix it." He finished looking away as he placed me in the car.

"It's bad isn't it..." I wheezed I couldn't move at this point. A relaxing feeling was spreading around me as Mista sat in the car with me.

"No, it's fine. Giorno will-"

"Mista stop lying." I grumbled.

"I'm sorry, we should have came sooner. I'm sorry." He whispered tears were streaming down his face. My eyes widened, Mista never broke down.

"It's fine, I'm glad it was you who saved me." I confessed.

"I love you Mista." I whispered, though it was gurgled with blood.

"I love you to, please stay with me." He cried hugging me. I couldn't do anything but stare into his eyes. They were streaming with tears. I felt tears prick in my eyes as I smiled. With great strain I raised my hand. Slowly bringing it to his eyes and wiping the tears.

He leaned down our lips touched for only a second as he pulled back. 

"I think I'm dying." I mumbled tears falling down my face. I could barely breathe only hearing Mista's sobs. Fugo entered the driver spot quickly speading away. The car rumbled as Mista gathered himself together.

"Fuck. FUCK!" Was all I could make out of Fugo, the speed of the car was only increasing. It worried me that Fugo of all people was our driver.

"DAMN IT!" Fugo screamed squealing into the front of the small mansion we all owned.

"Get Giorno!" Mista yelled.

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME!" Fugo screamed back.

"GET GIORNO!" Mista only spat, gripping me harder.

"FUCK- FINE BRING Y/N!" Fugo screamed  as Mista jumped out the car. I couldn't make out anything everything was a colorful blur as sounds caved in. I couldn't even draw out my stand, my stand could probably help. Right? I couldn't concentrate on that as my eyes closed. They felt like heavy weights that barely opened. In fact eveything felt heavy, or numb. It felt like my body was holding me down. Mabye I'm already dead, I can't really tell.

"Y/N?" My eyes opened, I could have sworn Bruno talked to me. He died, right? I gripped my head rubbing my temples in frustration. I sat up with ease, so Giorno healed my wounds then. I looked around, I was laying on a sidewalk as people walked by. My face furrowed in confusion as I sat up.

"Stand/Name." I hissed waiting for my stand to appear. It's long distance could help me figure out where the hell I was.  I looked over waiting for my stand.

"Stand/Name." I snapped.

"Why won't you, god this is annoying." I snapped. Running my hands through my hair continuing to mumble random curses.


There it was again. I snapped around looking for the source of the voice. Mabye a stand is mocking Bruno's voice to mess with me? That's all I could conclude out of this situation.

"IF YOUR SOME FUCKING STAND USER I'M NOT HAVING A GOOD DAY BOTHER SOMEONE ELSE!" I shouted into the crowd. Reaching my hand into my pocket. If my stand isn't going to show I'll just use a good old fashioned knife. Twirling the knife I leaned against a wall. My eyes trailing over the crowd of people.


"WHAT?!" I screamed looking for this stupid person mocking my dead leader.

"FUCKING DAMN IT!" I screamed in frustration kicking the brick wall behind me.

"Y/N stop look over to your right."

I stopped my eyes slowly looking to the right. My knife clattered on to the sidewalk as I stared at the three people in front of me.

Narancia, Bruno, and Abbacchio were standing right there.

"Your dead." I mumbled walking toward them.

"I should be with Mista." I explained.

"I'm sorry." Bruno whispered walking over wrapping me into a hug.

"I-I can't be. Am I?" I whispered returning the hug.

"Yeah." Narancia frowned joining the hug.

"Atleast I told Mista I loved him." I hiccuped as tears fell down my face.

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