Jotaro X Reader 🍥

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"Jotaro?" I asked confused as I looked around our hotel room. The blankets, sheets, pillows on the once made bed was all over the room. Like someone had thrown them in a tantrum. The lamp was knocked over as the light flickered the cord barely holding onto the wall. I reached for the light switch still training my eyes on the eerily dark room. The moonlight poured in barely illuminating the room as the switch wouldn't function. I swallowed the growing lump in my throat as I walked around the room. My muscles tensed as I stopped in front of the bathroom. A thick aura of terror ran through the cracks of the door flooding the hotel room and into my ears.

"Venus." I whispered my gentle stand appearing next to me. I quickly raced toward the plant in the room. Touching it with my stand it decayed instantly. I sighed realizing I barely had any energy stored in my stand. I walked back to the bathroom kicking the door in. I couldn't see anything as the darkness hid any enemy stand users. My breathing quickened as I heard a faint rustling behind me. I whipped around to see a bloodied corpse. Their black hair was falling over their face. Slumped over as blood poured from a deep gash in their chest. The iconic hat was knocked off his head and his uniform was ripped to shreds.

"Jotaro!?" I screamed my stand circling around us as I caught him in my arms. Slowly bringing us down on the floor. I lifted the hair away from his face showing his eyes. They were vacant no longer that turquoise color that showed off his pride.

"How?" I whispered my stand fueling life energy into Jotaro. But nothing worked as his skin stayed a ghostly pale. Blood oozing out of his mouth as the empty eyes looked through my soul. Only petrifying me more.

"This is the world." A voice whispered in my ear. I couldn't move as my eyes stared ahead. The terrifying aura was only increasing as I felt their hand grip my shoulder.

"Say hello to Jonathan for me."

"Y/N?!" Jotaro shouted holding me up. My eyes readjusted to the morning sunlight flooding the hotel room. I let out a small scream as I gripped onto Jotaro.

"Y/N what the hell?" Jotaro yelled. I could barely breathe as the panic slowly settled. I closed my eyes tightly, the image of Jotaro's dead body sticking in my mind. I couldn't stop my tears as I pulled Jotaro into a hug.

"What the hell bitch?" Jotaro snapped. I ignored it, instead of yelling at him like usual. I noticed his body tensed as I didn't respond to his insults.

"Yare yare all this from a nightmare?" Jotaro scoffed returning the hug awkwardly.

"Sorry." I hiccuped into his chest. I couldn't lose him like that. After several minutes he slowly released the hug. Holding me up staring at my sobbing mess of a face.

"What happened?" Jotaro asked. His voice was a million times softer than I expected. I opened my eyes to see his. The turquoise color glimmering like always.

"You died. Your eyes were dead, and empty. Someone else was there. The World did this. I don't know how, or what stand user has The World..." I rambled.

"We should tell jiji." He concluded picking me up. I was to tired to fight as the brunt teen carried me around the hotel. I was still hiccuping slightly and I couldn't stop shaking. Causing guests to stare concerned on why this boy was carrying a tramatized girl.

"What happened?!" Joesph shouted as Jotaro set me down on the couch. I slowly took a breath.

"Does the World ring a bell to any of you?" I whispered staring at the flickering fire in the hotel.

"That's DIO's stand, I managed to get one of his minion's to tell us. Nobody knows what his power is though." Avdol replied a stern expression on his face.

"Did you encounter DIO?" Joesph asked as the whole group grew on edge.

"No it was a dream. I don't think it was the real DIO. He had every chance to kill me.." I added my eyebrows furrowed as I remembered the encounter.

"Death 13 must have done something... that little shit." Kakyoin grumbled.

"What?" Polnareff asked confused.

"Nothing." Kakyoin dismissed.

"Either way it scared the hell out of Y/N. Did you see his stand?" Jotaro asked.

"No it was like everything was happening in a blink of an eye. One moment a corpse was dropped behind me. The next he was behind me, my stand was watching the whole time and never detected him." I explained.

"Who's corpse?" Kakyoin asked still unnerved.

"Mine." Jotaro responded.

"not death 13..." Kakyoin whispered.

"what are you mumbling?" Polnareff complained at Kakyoin.

"Nothing you oaf!" Kakyoin hissed.

"Everyone calm down, Y/N must have overhead Avdol and had a nightmare from it." Joseph dismissed putting the group at rest. Jotaro nodded before picking me up once more.

"I can walk." I mumbled.

"Tch." Was the only response I was given. I felt a smile grow on my face as I nestled closer in his arms.

"Yars Yare.Don't grow comfortable bitch." Jotaro scoffed, he couldn't reach for his hat. I noticed as his eyes widened slightly at that realization. A small blush growing on his face.

"Are you Blushing Jotaro Kujo?" I asked with a small smirk.

"Bitch." Jotaro answered before dropping me flat onto the ground. He spun around walking away pulling his hat over his eyes. The keycard layed in front of me as I watched him walk away. I couldn't help but chuckle at his somewhat awkward emotions. Entering the hotel room I changed out of my long tee shirt and shorts into my normal stand kicking ass outfit. A determined look in my eyes as I pledged to never let Jotaro meet the fate he met in my dream.

"I'll beat the whole world." I murmured. My little stand nodding before trying to twist its adorable face into a badass one.

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