Jotaro x Reader 🌸

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"Jotaro!!!" I shouted as a stand attack narrowly missed him. My eyes were widened slightly as Jotaro barely flinched.

"Yare Yare Daze woman." He scoffed his stand grabbing the elongated boomerang before snapping it. Instantly I looked over to see a man completely snap, blood and bones rolling out of his wound. Gross.

"Wow my grandson is astonishing!" Joesph praised. He really is, it's like he was moving faster than my eye could comprehend. My stand hovered near my side as we both silently gawked at his speed and stoic calmness.

"Y/N it's not over watch out!" Kakyoin shouted. I quickly lept to the side dodging another sharp boomerang, sweat glistened on my face slightly from stress.

"Roundabout is the superior stand to get rid of you Y/N!" A menacing voice cried. I narrowly dodged another, I was soon madly dodging atleast 4 separate boomerangs.

"THERE IS NO LIFE FORCE IN MY BOOMERANGS SO YOU CAN'T DRAIN IT!" The voice laughed madly as even more boomerangs flew at me.

"Tch. That's not all I can do." I smirked a bright bulb of energy bubbled in my stands hand.

"LIFE EVOLUTION!" I screamed a bright yellow explosion instantly disintegrated the boomerangs as I sighed. That hurt, my skin was lightly burned from the explosion. I frowned rubbing off some dust as my stand was staring around. The life force it had picked up had vanished. I silently walked over to the corpse.

"Darn he's dead, all his life energy is gone." I mumbled.

"Nice!" Joesph cheered. I smiled lightly as my gaze lingered on Jotaro.

"Yare Yare Daze let's keep moving."

"Tch, your never going to get a wife Jotaro." Joseph grumbled as the group followed the teen. A small blush crept on my face from that, I quickly scoffed. Ignoring the burning sensation. My stand was glazing its hand's over passing plants.  Leaving them crinkled and dead, we wasted a lot of life energy today.

"Y/N aren't you going a little extreme? You've been killing every plant we've come across for the past three hours!" Polnareff exclaimed pointing to the death I had left behind.

"... well then what the hell should I use Polnareff?" I snapped in annoyance.

"Tch. Just use the french." Jotaro interjected. Leaving Polnareff shocked and betrayed.

"You would never Y/N!" He nervously laughed. This idiot...

"I don't know, I used a lot of life energy in that explosion. You certainly have more life energy~
Honestly I favor stand users, it's like extracting the energy from urauranium, so much power. You could create a nuclear explosion. Do you understand Polnareff? I'm throughly disabling myself for future fights by only using this plants. Unless you want to take their place?" I threatened. Praying I got through to this dunce.

"Plants are great!" Polnareff cheered jogging to the front of the group. Leaving only Jotaro and I. I grumbled rubbing my temples, stealing a small collection of glances at Jotaro. How is it possible even wearing a thick jacket his muscles seemed to peek through? How his black raven hair was glistening in the desert sky. The eyes, everything.

"How long are you going to stare?" Jotaro snapped.

"Until you tell me to stop." I bluntly stated. Where had my shame gone?


My eyes widened slightly. He didn't tell me to stop? I stared at his face slightly looking for signs of hostility but he seemed really calm. If anything the heat made his face flush pink.

"Y/N and Jotaro hurry up we found a hotel!" Joesph called to us. We picked up our pace as we arrived at the hotel.
Now here was my least favorite part of the crusade. Deciding who is sharing a room with me. Atleast we could exclude Polnareff.

Flashback to 4am when Polnareff and Y/N were forced to share a hotel room-

"Y/N your absolutely beautiful!"

"Shut the hell up it's 4am. Go find a solicitor leave me alone."

"I never implied that Y/N~
Is this something you want?"




I sighed thinking of how little sleep I got that night.

"Y/N." Jotaro's gruff voice ran through my mind as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What's up?" I asked confused on why we were the only people left in the lobby. My head snapping back and forth for the rest of the crusade.

"We are sharing a hotel room. Let's go." He snapped walking toward a staircase.  I silently followed, replaying the exact moment I looked like an idiot.

"Here." Jotaro explained opening the door. Standing slightly to the side, I walked inside.  Noting that small kindnesses.  Jotaro followed me inside locking the door. My eyes looked over at the two beds. They looked fine, mostly. Except one had the worst looking stain of... blood?

"I'll sleep on the floor. I don't trust the second bed." I responded. Pulling off my coat, laying it on the floor. Using my backpack as a pillow, I layed down on my makeshift sleeping case.

"Yare Yare Daze, what are you doing?" Jotaro grumbled. Taking off his coat and letting it crumple on the floor.

"I'm sleeping." I responded, while buried in a small fetal position. Trying to use what little frabic my coat gave me as a blanket.

"Get in the bed." Jotaro scowled.

I couldn't help but have a million dirty implications of that statement run through my mind. My face a bright raspberry red as I stared at Jotaro in absolute fear. He looked at me annoyed before he connected the dots, pulling down his hat I chuckled.

"Horny bitch." He scoffed.

I stood up, cautiously crawling into the bed. Waiting for him to flip out, call me a bitch, destroy me with his stand or shove me away. Either of those would leave me pissed off and it would be another sleepless night.

"Calm down I'm not going to hurt you." Jotaro mumbled his hat placed over his eyes as he was laying in the bed. I nodded awkwardly laying next to him.

"Your weird." He stated. My eyesbrows raised in confusion, it was true but why now?

"Huh." I responded curling into the blankets some more in the darkness of the night.

"I was expecting you to be all over me, and I would have to throw you out the window." He calmly explained.

"Goodnight" I whispered.


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