Abbacchio x Reader 🌸

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"Y/N?" I glanced over to see a beyond exhausted Abbacchio. My eyes shifting as I noticed the bags under his eyes. He was deathly white and his breathing was ragged against me. Without realizing Abbacchio leaned against me for support. His soft hair was frizzled and messy around him.

"Hmm?" I asked carefully adjusting to support him as we walked on to the train. With weird stares and concerned comments from the other passengers I made our way to the private passenger room.

"I think I'm sick." Abbacchio scoffed as he let himself fall onto the seat. In a panic I quickly wrapped my arms around him trying to stop his freefall. But Abbacchio's weight took me down with him. I was laying on top of him. My legs stradling around him and my arms held around his body. Our faces deathly close as he leaned back in the seat. His eyes half open as he chuckled lightly. A half cared smirk met my eyes.

"That was, spicy." Abbacchio whispered.

I blushed ferociously as I scrambled to move to the other seat. I was nearly off until his hand gripped onto my arm. I whipped my head back to see what he needed.

"Your warm." He muttered. I watched his breathing fall as he shivered in his seat. I sighed carefully crawling back towards Abbacchio. Resting my head against his shoulder as I wrapped my arms around his torso. Holding onto him like a koala as he softly breathed against my neck.

"You didn't have to do this." He grunted letting his head rest against my shoulder cautiously placing his arms around. I smiled at his failed attempt of not caring. But the way he was holding me tighter as he rested against me. Made it clear his feelings were calm.

"We shouldn't be doing this, I could get you sick." He explained, but his arms still held tightly around me. I closed my eyes breathing in his cologne ignoring his comment.

"Abbacchio, it's fine. Once we get back to base Giorno can heal us." I smiled burrowing my face against his neck. Peppering small kisses around.

"I hate Giorno." He snapped.

"I know you see himself in him." I quietly added. Stopping my flurry of kisses as I raised my head to meet his lips.

"It's ok to want to protect Giorno." I comforted. Before attaching my lips to his. After a few seconds I backed away from this kiss. A blush was covering Abbacchio's face as he looked away. Frowning I lifted my hand holding onto his jaw. Forcing him to look me in the eyes. Tears were trying to leave his eyes.

"Y/N can I have a minute alone." Abbacchio mumbled.

"You can cry, I won't judge." I promised as the first tear fell from his eyes I pulled him close. My hand held the back of his head as he cried against my shoulders.

"I'm sorry." He choked out.

"He forgives you." I responded holding onto him tighter stroking his hair. The weather started to rain outside. Raindrops splattered and pounded against the window. Drowning out his muffled sobs.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too, it's ok."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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