Mista x Reader 🌸

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Requested by: Jojo_goes_noot_noot

I sighed as the elevator finally opened. Hobbling my way down the hallway, struggling to carry the ridiculous amount of groceries I had bought. Finally reaching our apartment.

23. My apartment used to be 24, but Mista refused to move in. After useless arguing we had moved into the neighboring apartment.

Letting my head bang against the front door. I lifted my knee hopping to hold the groceries as I fumbled for the key. Leaning against the door as I awkwardly smashed against it. Glaring at the bag of bread that was dangerously close to falling.

"Come on." I murmured, jamming the key into the keyhole. Smiling as I clicked.

"Y/N?" Mista asked opening the door before I could stop relying on the door to hold myself up. Instantly I crumpled forward the groceries falling onto the floor. Startled he quickly grabbed me. At this point I finally noticed what Mista was wearing. Only a towel that wrappped around his waist and another that hung loosly around his neck.

"Hi Mista." I mumbled. I was leaning against his exposed chest. I blushed before standing up. I reached my hand out. Mista took it as we both stood back up. After several minutes the groceries where put away and the mess was clean. During that time, sadly Mista had gotten dressed.

"You can knock Y/N." Mista joked as he sweeped the last of the mess into the garbage.

"I didn't think you were home, I thought you and Fugo had another misison." I explained.

"Interrogation but Fugo lost his temper, and ended up killing him." He groaned sitting on the couch. His head leaning against the back of the frame.

"Sounds annoying, I won't ask anymore questions." I explained wrapping my arms around his shoulders. Standing behind the couch I rested my head on his brown hair. It was so soft, he must have showered.

"Your hair is so nice after you shower." I grinned letting my fingers twirl it.

"How was work?" Mista sparked conversation.

"Interesting, someone threw water at another coworker. But I managed to get my new business deal approved." I smiled. This would finally allow my job to make a steady stream of money. Reducing the burden Mista had.

"We should celebrate." Mista laughed.

"No, I just want you to hold me. I'm so tired!" I whined. Jumping over the couch's back and landing on the cushion. Thumping against Mista's chest.

"You seem tired." Mista scoffed after I had hurtled over the couch. I then finally noticed the dark bags under his eyes. He was practically falling asleep sitting up.

"Your the tired person Mista. How long was your last mission?" I asked.

"Well the one before Fugo's lasted mabye two days. I had to camp outside a building." Mista groaned.

I frowned before slowly pulling Mista onto my lap. Making sure he was comfortable. Letting him use my thighs as a pillow. Giving him a massage on his temples. He seemed pleased, slowly relaxing. His eyes easily falling shut. His tense expression was already gone.

"You don't have to do this Y/N." Mista interjected. Opening his eyes before attempting to sit up. Frowning I placed my hand against his chest. Pushing him back down.

"Go to sleep your obviously beyond tired." I dismissed. After only three minutes he was out cold. His breathing was calm and slow. I smiled at his peaceful state. Allowing myself to lean back in a comfortable position. My eyes closing as I fell asleep.

I just want to say really quick that I'm a little busy with school and I have a ton on my plate rn. But I'll try and update more! I'm working on requests thank you for being patient

ily bye

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