Chapter 171

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Driver's License- Olivia Rodrigo

* this song will forever be a bop, I sing/play this song at least a hundred times a day😂


He freezes when he sees me. We are standing five feet away from each other. I also freeze; all the words I had planned to say slip from my mind. His hair is pointy and wet, with droplets still dripping at the ends; I knew he was taking a shower. All he has on are his black jeans, no shirt; his skin is still damp and glistening under the lighting.

I can feel Jess breathing down my neck. "Say something, Jayda!" she urges.


"Hi? Are you serious, hi?" she mocks.

He doesn't respond; he just continues looking at me. I say, "Okay, I know this is probably weird and unexpected; I would've called but... but my parents haven't given me my phone back yet. Anyways I'm back! I just came back today. I'm better honestly, I'm on this new medication that actually has helped somewhat," I pause my rambling, wanting to see if he has something to say; he still says nothing, so I continue on and step closer, "I did a lot of therapy, intensive therapy, paint therapy, music therapy, pretty much every therapy in the book, oh and yoga and I went to NA meetings, look they gave me a chip," I show him the blue-chip on my keychain he looks at it and then back to me. "12 weeks clean," I say proudly. It's irritating me that he has yet to say something; he looks anxious, and he keeps looking over at the door.

"I didn't mean it when I said I would hate you if you left; I was just afraid and scared. I hope you're not mad at me," Maybe that's why he hasn't said anything.

"I'm not mad at you," he finally speaks. I missed his voice so much.

"Oh, well, uh, that's good," I smile.

"Jayda I-"

His bedroom door comes open, "Look what I foun-" the female voice stops in my presence.

"Who the fuck is this? Jess asks before I can even see the girl.

I slowly turn around to find a really pretty girl standing in his room; she has dark chocolate blonde and brown hair. Brown at the roots, blonde at the ends, and she's wearing a shirt that I know belongs to Ryder, with a case of beer in her hand. "Oh, hey," she eyes me up and down and then looks at Ryder then looks at me again, "I'm Mia,"

"I have never seen this girl before, not at school, not in town." Jessica stands in front of her.

I also have never seen her before. Everyone just stands in awkward silence. I also look at Ryder and wait for him to explain, but he doesn't; it dawns on me that he actually doesn't have to explain anything to me. He doesn't owe me anything. "I have to go," I rush past the girl and out the room, the feeling of warm tears drive down my cheeks; I haven't cried in months; of course, Ryder would be the one to make me cry after all this time.

Before I can get into the car, Ryder calls my name; I should just get in the car and just drive off. Instead, I turn around, wanting to give him the chance to explain, but for me to know than to be up all night wondering why.

"It's not what you think," he says.

"Oh really?" I'm sure it is. "Is she just some random girl you've been sleeping with?"


"Then it is exactly what I think it is," He's with her. If it was just another one of his random sexual partners, I probably wouldn't even care, but she was wearing his shirt, she looked extremely comfortable, he doesn't let just any girl spend a night at his house or wear his things.

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