Chapter 135

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He's standing up, leaning against the wall; he doesn't have his crutches today. There is a red cup in his hand; I'm sure it has beer in it. If he is taking fentanyl, he shouldn't be drinking. Then again, he shouldn't be drinking at all if he has ADHD.

Beside him is Matt, his arm is wrapped around his neck, he's leaning in, whispering something in his ear. Ryder smiles. I would say it was something about me, but Matt has yet to look up; he doesn't know I am in here. 

Two other boys are standing on the opposite side of the wall. At the other end of the kitchen is Ashely and some girls, a few I recognize from the cheerleading team, and the others are just ones that sit with them and are popular for no reason.

It takes all I have in me to walk over to Ryder even though his friends surround him. I really don't care; I just want to get this over with.

They stop talking as I walk up, "Can I talk to you?" I ask, keeping my eyes on him and no one else, even though I feel their wandering eyes on my body.

"I'm sorta busy right now," he responds and looks away.

Matt opens his mouth and speaks, "Nice legs," he says to me.

I look over at him; he's clearly drunk or possibly high; the glare in his eyes leading me to believe he's high.

"Thank you," I respond boldly. I look back at Ryder, "It's important,"

He looks back at me. "And it can't wait?" he asks, annoyed.

Why is he annoyed? I'm the one who should be annoyed.

"That is a nice ass also," the dark skin boy from behind me says.

I bawl my fist tightly, and they tremble. "Ryder," I growl. "Are you serious right now?"

"What the fuck do you want, Jayda?!" he shouts.

The boy behind me again speaks and says, "If you want some dick, just say that!" before placing both of his hands on my waist, pulling me back towards him.

Reflexes cause me to turn around, push him back, and punch him straight in his face. Pain shoots up my arms. I just got my cast taken off last week, and I'm already causing damage.

The rest of the boys around him cheer and burst into laughter; I watch as he wipes the blood from his lip, "Damn bitch," he says sharp.

"What did you just call me?" I step forward.

My insides are screaming, telling me to run, and go crying somewhere, but the outside of me is saying something totally different. Clearly, my alter ego has taken over.

I step forward.

Ryder moves in front of me. "Just go," he says, looking down at me.

I turn the opposite way, about to walk away from the situation I just caused, but some girl bumps right into me, spilling her drink all over me. Of course, that girl is Ashely.

"Sorry," she says before smiling.

If my arm wasn't hurting, I would punch her also. I take a deep breath and just walk away to the nearest bathroom closing the door behind me.

I close the door and lean back, breathing in and out; my breath gets stuck in my lungs, and I gasp for air against the door.

What the hell was I thinking?

I should have just turned around.

Why did I go in there?

And Ryder. Ugh! He's such an ass. What the hell is wrong with him?

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