10.The Visitor part 2

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(not my art,but it's amazing ヽ(。◕o◕。))

"you've had your fun, Mr.Kujo.", you spat while standing back up to your feet and gave him a devilish grin, "now let me have mine, since you've already considered me being your enemy.", You started walking towards him approaching him.

"So now you're approaching me, huh?", Jotaro whispered to himself with a little sarcasm in his voice, still dazed from your punch. You didn't get what he meant but not that you really cared for his words either.

When you came close enough you kicked him in the side, what made him groan a bit. He was tired and emotionally exhausted.

That was strange, you thougt..
"oh come on now, didn't you say you where the one beating my ass?"

"Good grief... Is that all you are capable of? If that's the case I shall no longer waste my time for your useless attempts to finght.", Jotaro grumpy replied.

"Well then stand up and fight, it would be a shame if you died like this it front of your daughters eyes. To be honest I thought that you had more honor to your actions, you were the one to kill my father after all. Turns out it was a mirica-"

"STAR PLATINUM! ZA WARUDO!", Jotaro had enough of you shittalking about him in Jolyne's presens. He wanted to get this over with quickly enough for him not to remember his dead friends and Dio again, what already was the case. He has stopped you to late, you've already awoken some of his deepest griefs, that he managed to burry somewhere deep down within the passing years of his life.

Time stoped. He was breathing a bit faster than usual because of the injury you have caused him. He caught up blood and spat it on the ground, giving you an exhausted look.

"You can hear and see me, don't you?", He asked you with a suspicious glare.
"Stop trying to stay still, you look like you're about to-"

"ATSHOOO!", you sneezed right onto his clothes, leaving him stare at you dumbfounded and shocked.

"Oh uh... sorry. I didnt mean to ruin your outfit with my spit.", You quickly apologized after looking into his face which gave away that you just signed your own death sentence.

"How are you able to move, little shit?!", He growled angryly.

"Oh not that I would know myself dip shit. Stop calling me shit if you desire to live longer than your filthy friends, prat.", You hissed.

"Prepare to die."


Star platinum threw countless punches at you but Star world dodged all of them managing to lay a punch into Jotaro's jaw.

"Look i know you are mad at me for some reason, but isn't that totally stupid of you, to waste your precious time with me instead of your daughter?", You asked him while you were fighting each other.

"That is none of your business, shut up and die."

"Since when did we start to be so supersilious, Mr.Kujo? Thinking that I, (Y/N) would obey your orders! How utterly pathetic. You must have lost your mind.", You smiled at him.

"You look ridiculous and your words are obviously senseless. Trying to win me over with your stupid sense of humor and your pride... don't think you could distract me with such an obvious act.", Jotaro smirked at you. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he started taking a kind of liking in your attitude. But it didn't last long, since you were in an ongoing fight of course.


Suddenly a voice started ringing inside of your head.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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