3.Green Dolphin Street Prison...

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(Picture is from the Manga.)

You didn't remember how it turned out like this but you woke up with Jolyne sleeping next to you. You narowed your eyes nearly screaming out a surprised "Wryyy", but you desited not to wake Jolyne up since you thougth of her as a pain in the ass if to be honest. And she was kind of cute you thougth? No..No, not in this way just calm and relaxed and just nice? Yes i guess this was a better describtion. You desited not to move much because she was kind of cuddeling you and you felt cold so you didn't mind...so you just stayed still not moving just to let Jolyne sleep compfy. Of course you, (Y/N), didn't want to admit it, even to yourself.
Your gaze drifted to her face and you didn't mind staring. "She realy is good looking", you thought but just brushed it off. Thinking of how stupid it is to act like this even though she is basicly a stranger. You couldn't even call her a Friend yet, you just met yesterday. But you kind of didn't care. You had the feeling that you could trust her. By the look in her Emerald green eyes you could tell she is a Person that never gives up on people or her dreams. You thought about it more and more. Is it possible that you repected her? Even admired her for her strong personality and power of will. You didn't know it yet. But you didn't want it to be like this too. You are (Y/N) Brando, and you don't admire anyone! At least that was what you thought but what it really was is still a secret. Your eyes scanned her in order to memorise some details as you suddenly saw a Star-shaped birthmar on her left shoulder. So here she is...Jolyne Joestar??

You are a Brando...She is a Joestar...you are rivals and it can't be anything else. No respect, no admiration no friendship. Only rivality and hatred that you were supposed to earn from your pathetic father. But you didn't. Why hate someone you have no personal buissnes with? Rigth. There is no reason. At least you thought so.
You didn't remember much of what Pucci told you about the Joestars. They seemed to have a family Problem with Dio, who started hating them. You didn't think he had a reason though... i mean this guy doesn't need a reason to hate someone, he just does. And so on he took his stepbrothers body because his was gone and did a lot of shitty stuff that was none of your buissnes.
The Fact he moved to cairo and was up to mischief there was one thing. He had lots of supporters, fans and like-minded people and all that just because of his charisma? His charming look? Because he was handsome? What did People like about him so much? Why did they follow him? Why did they die for him?Why? And why does Pucci want you to take his place? Why doesn't Pucci do it himself? You have no intension of fullfilling your fathers stupid dreams.


You snapped out of your daydream and looked at Jolyne as she tiredly groaned and mumbled something softly. You just smiled at her little action. As much as you wanted to stay like this a little longer it was interrupted by some guards who were aproaching your cell and the cells of the other Prisoners. Shouting and telling you to get your asses up and grab the stuff we want to take with us to the island prison.

You woke Jolyne up and told her to get ready and to go and grab her stuff.

You didn't have much. Just something you were wearing, a pocketknife and a necklace with a picture of your father and sister, and a very sharp stone in it. It kind of looked like a peace of an arrow. And your wallet of course. Well since you didn't have any relatives, and refused to give the things up a nice guard allowed you to take it in as long as you don't tell anyone.

But the other Prisoners didn't have as much luck as you. One girl who was standing near Hèrmes got beaten up, even her golden tooth got ripped out.
You felt extremly uncomfortable and you desited it would be the best just to ignore her painfull screams, even though you badly wanted to hit that guard.

After half an our all of you were sitting in a kind of buss. You sit down next to Jolyne who was still sleepy, and Hèrmes was sitting in front of you two. The ride was quite boring since the most of the people were sleeping (Jolyne, Hèrmes, some other stupid people) but after a whyle they woke up and you three started talking.

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