4.Anoying Roommates...

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(Not my art, but it's really cute :3 )


After the anoying policeofficer stopped talking and showing you all around, you were led to your rooms.

Fortunataly, you were paird up with someone you already knew,....Jolyne.
But the not so good part that she could be anoying...very anoying. Additionaly you were supposed to share your room with another person.
And you already knew it was going to be a pain. Three prisoners sharing a room. What should go wrong? Everything. As you entered the room and saw your secend roommate you wanted to turn on your heels and walk back to where you came from.
Only by the look on her face you could see that she was a bitch. You gave her a deadglare causing her to look a bit surprised.

"Oi Jolyne be careful with her. Something about her is not right.", you spoke while you were looking dead into your new roommates eyes priercing them with a cold glare.

Jolyne looked confused but desited to ignore what you said to her, and tried to get to know her.

"Uhm Hii! My name is Jolyne Kujo, but please call me Jolyne.", Jolyne said with a smile and then she looked over to you expecting you to do the same.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Guess."

Jolyne was still looking at you. You sighed. "(Y/N).", you groaned and got a little pissed off.
"Don't you dare talking to me unless it's something about Jolyne, or something else that may be important. If you don't want me to beat you into a bloody plump, don't bother me nor Jolyne.", you scoffed.

You looked around to check what in the room was. There were two loft beds. You instantly took the top bunk don't even thinkig about sleeping near the floor. Jolyne wanted to take it too but on her side the top bunk had some stuff on it so she thought it was already taken. When she wanted to sit down at the bottom bunk, Guess suddenly threw something at her but you catched it and threw it back at her ugly face.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh? What did i say about bothering Jolyne. Get the fuck away from her if you don't want your pathetic live to end right here.", you growled. "And don't be so fucking noisy."

"Oi (Y/N) calm down. It was just a missunderstanding!", Jolyne said with a smile in order to compfort you, but you knew the smile was fake.

"The bottom bunk is mine...", Guess wisperd angrily taking her stuff down from the top bunk so Jolyne could take it.

Sudenly Jolyne's eyes caught a little golden thing that was lying on top of the things Guess took from the top bunk.

"Hey! What's this doing here?!", she shouted."where did you find it? This...is something i threw away out of anger...if you open it there should be a peace of a stone and a photo of my parents, i'm sorry but it's very important to me."

"I'll take a look...but so what if thats inside??", Guess answered sassy.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?",Jolyne yelled at her grabing her by the collar of her bluse.

"What an arogant tone you wild monkey!?", Guess snapped at Jolyne.

"Tch! I know...sell it to me...i'll buy it.", she hissed.

"200 dollars."

"What?!", Jolyne screamed.

"Didnt you hear me, idiot? I said if you'll pay me 200 dollars i'll sell it to you. So? Want it or not?", Guess asked with a sly smirk on her face.

"You bitch...", you sighed as you shook your head in disbelive at her sassynes. "Since when being a bicht started to be a trend, huh?", you chuckeld.

《♤♡//Let's escape from this Stone Ocean//♡♧》Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora