Angel Part One (Spot)

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The sound of cobblestones clicking under your heels disappears into the bustle of a Manhattan afternoon. It's sunny today, the first time in a while. You smile at your newsie friends as you pass them, walking briskly past office workers and wealthy ladies to reach your destination: Medda's theatre.

You've been working for Medda for almost a year now, as a singer, pianist, and basically whatever she needed at the moment. You've sung by yourself, as backup to another act, played the piano, and helped her organize the acts performing at her theatre. All in all, you've proved yourself a hardworking and trustworthy friend to both Medda and the newsboys of New York, which is why you're also not surprised to see Jack Kelly leaning against a wall in the theatre's lobby.

"Jack Kelly, is that you? Who are you hiding from now?" At the sound of your voice, Jack looks up and grins. "Aw, Y/N, you'se just as kind as ever. And for your information, I'm not here to hide- we Manhattan boys have a meeting with some of the Brooklyn newsies over some of our selling rules." You walk with him backstage, where you're enveloped by the noise and commotion typical of Medda's theatre. "Oh, doesn't that sound wonderful. You tell me tomorrow how many times the Brooklyn boys soaked you during your meeting." Jack pretends to pout at you. "Don't be like that, Y/N! We can defend yourselves." At your raised eyebrows, he adds on: "Especially because only one of them is coming."

You check the clock on the wall, relaxing when you see you've got more than an hour before your performance starts. "I'm sure you'll have a great time. You going to stick around after the show or should I just go home once I'm done?" Jack turns to you with a contemplative look on your face that makes you more than a little worried. "Actually, I'll need your help for one small favor." You turn to him, sighing. "What would that be? I'm not planning on becoming a newsie, and there's no reason for me to be at your meeting, so don't even-"

Jack holds up a hand, stopping your little outburst. "Don't you worry! I just need you to sing extra nice tonight. You see, when Spot Conlon and I were setting up tonight's meeting, he made fun of Medda's theatre. He was saying some kinda nonsense about how Brooklyn boys were tougher than us in 'Hattan because they don't spend all their time watching people sing and stuff. I wanna get back at him for saying that."

He looks at you, letting a small grin slide across his face. "One thing you should know about Spot Conlon is that he's kinda partial to pretty goils like you. So, I've arranged for him to come over a little early, during your act. He'll see you sing, he'll fall in love, I'll make fun of him. Then we're even. So, what do you say?"

You look at Jack in disbelief. "You think me singing is going to make the King of Brooklyn fall in love with me? Are you out of your mind?" Jack scoffs. "Of course it will! You're a goil, he's a tough but lonely guy, case closed." You raise an eyebrow. "Well, I appreciate your confidence in me, but I don't think it's going to be that easy." When Jack looks at you with pleading eyes, you sigh but relent. "Fine, I'll do it. Just keep in mind that I think this plan is ridiculous." Jack grins happily at you. "You'se the best, Y/N." You wave a hand at him while you start to get ready for your performance. "Yeah, I am."

Spot Conlon sighs as he makes his way from Brooklyn to Manhattan. He's tired after a long day in the hot New York sun, and now he has to deal with Jack Kelly and his friends. He passes by shops and street corners, silently enjoying the nervous looks from the Manhattan newsies. He is entertained by their reactions, although he's more than earned his reputation it's kind of gotten away from him and spread like wildfire throughout the newsies of New York. First, he hears that he's beaten up both the Delancey brothers before they could even blink, then he's stolen money right out of Pulitzer's pocket whilst selling papes. It doesn't matter how impossible the story, it just adds to his fame and the fear when newsies see his face.

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