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Song recommendation- hayloft by mother mother


I was now digging in my bowl of cereal I was still sleepy cause I couldn't sleep yesturday I was tensed up bcs of having the satan's son's journal and on top of it reading the journal. I gave up on eating as i walk to the trash can and throw out the cereal and washed the dish. I walk to my bedroom as I had a free day today as it's Sunday I throw myself to my comfy small bed and I stare at the celling, I glance at my side finding the journal there I stood up fast "why the fuck is that book popping out of no where ,is it following me!? Is it gonna kill me!? Calm down Felix you must have kept it here!!" I sighed and put my hands on my both side of the waist ' I think I should return this to him keeping it with me is more dangerous ' I said to myself ' but where tf am I gonna find him' I sighed in frustration as I decided to look out for him. I can maybe spot him somewhere around here, I walk to my closet got dressed in a simple white T-shirt and black skinnie jeans

I walked through the neighborhood holding the journal in my left hand, I couldn't find him there soon I reach at the street where I found him that time, wait!? That kitten!! I run to the bench I sat that day the bag wasn't there ahh someone should had take him/her I hope the person would take good care of the cute one. I smiled sadly as I continue my journey finding hyunjin as much as I was scared of him i still wanted to see him again for some reason maybe to see those bueatiful eyes again 'wtf are you thinking felix' I lightly slap my face to snap out of it..

Time skips 12:30pm

I sighed as I sat on one of the bench like last time 'ahh it's Impossible to find him what was I thinking I could find him that easily!?' I whisper yell to myself. I grab the back pack which was hanging on my shoulder I open the bag and took of the water bottle and gulp down the water down my dry throat. I sighed and close the bottle with the cap. 'well I guess I won't find him I should go back....' I said as I stand up to go back but soon my eyes met with the fimilar green eyes this time those eyes were stairing down at mine but soon it broke the eyecontact and walked away his eyes made my heart beat faster than bullet train I stand there still processing what just happened!? Then it hit me again.

'h-hyunjin!' I quickly turn around and found no sign of him 'shit you lost him again and why the fuck is he so fast!?' I said as I started to run to the direction I think he went, running through the crowd I found myself in the main road different type and size of cars were rushing down the roads. Soon I saw hyunjin through the cars , I started continue running behind him almost getting hit by one of the car saying sorry I continue running when I reach the other side of the road where I saw him earlier he wasn't there anymore. 'ahhhh' I yell in frustration, Iooked around but yeah no sign of him, giving up I lowered my head and started walking back but soon banging on a hard chest, I slightly look up to see who it is.....and there we go
Hwang fucking hyunjin was standing there looking down at me with his sharp green eyes I stare at him lost in his handsomeness. he spoke with his dark yet soft voice..
'were you following me?' he asked raising one of his thick eyebrow he didn't had an mask on this time, revealing his beautiful red plumb lips..

'uhh n-no' wtf Felix you totally were following him.
He gave me an "are you sure look"
I sighed and decided to spill the truth,my heart was beating real fast like I was standing infront a demon,I took a deep breath before looking at his eyes again and decided to spoke with my deep voice..

' I am s-sorry I was and I was following you to give you this.'
I show the journal to him making his eyes widen a little but soon it come back to its normel shape.. he looked at me and ask
'how you know it was mine?' he asked with a confused look
' well it had your name in there and by the name I could relise you were a Korean boy so I looked for a Korean boy and saw you and heard you saying I am Hwang hyunjin not a dumb clown so
I wanted to give this to you that day but I end up hurting myself and pass out.'

'so you were the one who called my name out that day??

I nodded

I handed him his book and was about to leave when he stop me with asking..

'did you read it?' His voice was more deep jeez now what!?
Without turning I spoke 'n-no' shit Felix why did you stutter. I sighed and turn around meeting his sharp eyes once again but it was more of a deep green now does that mean something?? I ignore that question as I decided to....tell him the ...truth..
'okay so I actually did read it I know it's super wrong but you know humans have a curious ass....well you can kill me it's not like I have something special by living.' i said the truth with boring eyes which was hiding my scared ones. he stare at me for a while I could not tell what was going through his head. All of sudden he ask 'why didn't you lie like you were going to'
' I don't know, i don't feel like lieing to you.' I replied breaking the eye contact with him staring at the toe of my sneakers.
Soon I heard him say ' you can go...' he said making me shoot up my head looking at him 'you are not gonna kill me??' I asked he shake his head a no stairing deeply in my brown eyes which sent shivers run through my spine. he started to walk past me put soon stop near my right ear and whisper 'you should be thank full that I like- no love you and make sure my secret will only stay between us' my eyes widen I was so confused about what was happening but nod my head, he continued.

"See you again my love..."

Soon I felt his warm soft lips pressing on to my ear and then he left. I stand there shocked, my eyes widen, heart beating fast which seems so fast that it felt unhealthy did the demon just said he loves me?

I think so far this is the longest chapter hope you like it💜

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