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I've known Bilbo since we were little. Since we were 4 years old. We would play over the Hill and in the creek and come back every sundown filthy from head to toe with dirt, water, grass stains, and mud.

Sometimes we wouldn't come back until after the sun was gone and it was pitch black outside. We would watch the sun set and the moon appear together.

"Will we always be friends, right?" I would ask Bilbo. And he would always answer, "Of course, Thalia. Even if we are separated forever, we will always be best friends."

A couple years later, when we were 8 years old, Bilbo changed. He was kept inside and away from the outdoors. But at a such of a young age, I didn't understand. Everyday I would knock on his door. But no one would answer. If the door did open, it was Bilbo's father and would tell me to scram when I asked if Bilbo could come out and play. "He's too busy to worry about play-time! Get out and go away!"

But I didn't stop. I knocked every day for years.

But then that one day came, a day that changed my life forever. My mother told me that my father was an elf from the Mirkwood realm. I was 16 when I found out. And six months later, my mother passed away.

I didn't want to leave the Shire, but after sitting in my home alone for two years, I decided to go live with the elves in Rivendell. It was better than living alone with no one to care for but myself. But that wasn't true in my heart. I still had Bilbo.

Before I left for Rivendell, I stopped by Bilbo's house one last time. I knew that he had lost both his parents over the years and thought he would finally answer, but I was disappointed when nothing happened. "Bilbo," I said, hoping he could hear me. "I'm leaving now. I do not know when I'll return." I waited for a reply. But there was none. So I continued. "I just came to say good-bye." I pressed my forehead against the round green door. And for a moment, I felt his presence. It was as if he was right there on the other side of the door, listening to me.

"Bilbo," I said. "No matter how far I am or how long we are separated, we will always be best friends. Right?" And I left without another word.

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