41 - Selfish

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"Okay you're all done. I left your clothes hanging in front of your dressing room. I'll be there as soon as I'm done."

I quickly send off Jungkook to go get changed and then make my way to start Jimin's hair. Unfortunately, today we are short on staff so I'm in charge of JK and Jimin. Today the boys are performing for the MTV awards and they have to look perfect.

After almost 20 mins. I finally managed to finish Jimin's hair. Unlike Jungkook's hair, Jimin's was very easy to work with. I finally take Jimin to his dressing room and hand him his outfit for the performance. While he was changing, I went ahead and picked out his shoes and accessories.

"Ally, can you fix my collar and my tie really quick please?" I walk over to a struggling Jimin and fix his collar and tie.

"You know, pretty soon you're going to be the one who's going to be getting ready for award shows."

"Tsk... I wouldn't say that exactly."

"Why not? It's true though."

"I only passed round 1 & 2. I still need to pass the final round and even if I do, my debut isn't guaranteed."

"You'll debut, Ally. I just know it." I finish fixing his collar and tie and stand there looking at him. Jimin is such an amazing person and I sure couldn't imagine my life without him in it.

Jimin's P.O.V.

I couldn't help but look at her and smile from how happy she makes me. She was about to walk away to grab the rest of my stuff when I stopped her. She looks at me confused with her beautiful eyes.

I take one of my hands and reach out for her face. I carefully take the strand of hair that's on her face and gently push it back behind her ears.

She's so beautiful.

I was about to say something when I suddenly heard someone clearing their throat. I take a look at who it was and see Jungkook standing at the door with his hands balled up into a fist.

JK's P.O.V.

"Ally, I can't find my other earring, do you think you can go find it for me?" It was taking everything in me to be calm right now in front of her.

"Yea, of course." She gives both of us a small bow and leaves. Once she exits the room, I slam the door shut. I take a few steps toward Jimin until I'm close enough to tower over him, but not close enough for me to be able to hit him.

"I'm only going to say this once and I want you to get this through your head. Stay away from Ally."Jimin doesn't say anything. All he does is look down and smirk to himself.

"Why should I stay away, huh?" He looks back at me and raises his eyebrows.

"You know why, so stop playing dumb, Hyung! I see the way you look at her and how you act when you're around her. I know that you like her, but I love her!" At this point his face was all serious.

"You want me to stay away just because you love her? As you can tell I like her too and I want her just as much as you want her too!"

"Well, she's someone that I can't let you have. For years, I have sacrificed everything that we both have wanted and gave it to you because I wanted you to be happy! But I'm done being that way. I don't care if I'm being selfish this time because I finally want to be selfish! I finally want to have something for myself and not be yours because I'm tired of giving everything to you!"

At this point, I was letting everything out. There were so many emotions running inside me that I needed to get it out. This is everything that I've been wanting to tell him, but couldn't.

"I love her, Hyung! And I don't care if I have to fight you so I can have her because I will do anything and everything in my power to have her no matter how hard it is!"

After finishing my little rant, I instantly feel like a load has been lifted off my shoulder. I look intensely at Jimin, but he suddenly takes a seat on the couch. I watch as he just sits there and looks at the wall in front of him in silence. It was like this for a couple of minutes.

"You really love her, huh?" He leans forward and places his elbows on both his knees and looks up at me. At this point, all I could do was nod my head in response.

He seemed very deep in thought after my answer. I hear him let out a big sigh as he stands up and faces me.

"Fine... I'll stay away." There was something about the way he responded that made me feel bad, but in a way I didn't care. He walks closer to me until he's face to face with me.

"But I promise you that the moment I find out that you hurt her in any way, I won't hesitate in taking her away from you. Just because I'm staying away doesn't mean that I'm giving up nor are my feelings for her going to go away. This is my warning. So promise me that you won't hurt her and that you'll make her happy."

"I promise."

With that being said, he walks a little past me, but gives me a firm but loving pat on my shoulder. I listen to how he opens the door and walks out. I finally collapse on the couch and sit there not being able to believe everything that just happened.


So... True Beauty finally ended and let me just say that my boy Seojun deserved better! 😭😤  I can't believe how many important scenes the drama left out from the WebToon 😣

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! <3 Also don't forget to give me a star 🥴


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