15 - Home

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Everyone finally made their way out of the airport, through the huge crowd of fans, and into the vans. We were now heading to the hotel that we had already booked. I was looking out through the car window still smiling.

"You really are happy right now." I look over to Namjoon.

"I can't help it. I missed my hometown."

"Ah, that makes sense now. You know since we are going to be here for a while, if everything goes according to plan we should have 2 days to relax. You should show us around L.A. and some of your favorite places."

"Really?" I asked, getting a little excited now.

"Yea, I mean we've been here before, but we've never really had time to explore L.A." He just smiled back at me and my smile just got bigger.

After a few more minutes we arrived at the hotel. Everyone got out of the vans, took their luggage and made their way inside. Before leaving for the States, Hitman left Namjoon and me in charge of doing all the talking while we were here.

Namjoon and I make our way to the front desk and I finally start to speak in English once again.

"Hi, we have booked rooms under Big Hit."

While the receptionist was checking us in, I took the time to look at the hotel. It was huge and for me it was the best hotel I've ever stepped foot in, but I knew that in the future I would stay in even nicer ones.

We finally got our room keys and I gave them out to everyone. Thankfully Mona and I were sharing a room together. Jae got paired up with the other stylist since we were only 4.

I don't know how exactly the boys or the other staff members decided to get paired, but it all worked out in the end. We all head up to our rooms to freshen up a bit and meet up later for an interview that the boys have in the afternoon.

As soon as we entered the room, Mona flopped down onto a bed and fell asleep. Meanwhile I decided to go outside to the balcony that the room had.

It was such a beautiful day today and I could see all of Los Angeles. Even though the sun was out and shining, there was still a small breeze which I loved.

After almost an hour and a half, I decided to get ready and to finally wake up Mona. I finished my makeup and was just about to do my hair when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to find Sejin.

"Hey, what's up?" I was confused since I knew we weren't leaving yet.

"Just wanted to let you know that the interview got cancelled due to problems that they were having over at the studio, so I guess today is a free day." He smiles at me and then walks away.

A free day huh?

I quickly go back to getting ready and finish doing my hair. Then I moved on to picking my clothes. I picked out some black jeans that were ripped from my knees, a grey t-shirt and then on top threw on a warm black cardigan. For shoes I wore my black and white vans and rolled up my jeans from my ankle to show my cute little starry night socks.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled as I was happy with my outfit. I grabbed my small backpack and left to go walk the familiar streets I know by heart.

I made it all the way to the lobby and was about to head through the doors when someone stopped me in my tracks by calling my name.

I turn around and see Namjoon and JK walking towards me.

"Well someone seems excited for their free day. Where are you going?" Namjoon gives me a smirk while asking.

"Just gonna go for a walk, visit some of my hangout spots and maybe visit my neighborhood and family."

"You don't mind if we come with you?" He asks.

"Just you two?"

"No, I mean like all of us. We were originally going to stay in, but we decided that we wanted to go explore and you obviously know this place better than us."

They were both smiling at me almost as if they're begging me with their eyes to let them come with me.

"Sure, but won't you guys attract a lot of attention?..." there was no way in hell that these guys were going to enjoy exploring when literally everyone knows them. Even if they wear masks, sunglasses, and hats, they'll stand out.

"Don't worry about that." He replies.

He quickly goes back up to the rooms to get the guys while JK and I sit in the lobby waiting for them.

"Is there anywhere that you'd like to go to?" I ask.

He looks up at me and starts thinking for a bit.

"I don't really have anything in mind. Plus it looks like you already have plans, so wherever you go and take us is fine."

I started to think of what cool places I could take them. I was obviously going to go visit my family without a doubt. But I'm trying to figure out where I can take them so they can have fun and not have so many people surrounding them.

I was snapped out of my train of thought when I heard the boys coming out of the elevator and started to walk towards us.

"Ready?" I ask standing up from my seat. They all nod their heads or give me a thumbs up.

"Alright, then let's go!"


The first place where I decided to take the boys was to a park that I used to go to a lot when I was younger. Even though there wasn't much to do, I knew that the boys would find a way on how to entertain themselves.

"Have you been here before?" I look to my right to see Namjoon.

"Yea, I used to come here a lot when I was in high school."

I walked away from the boys just a bit to go sit on the swings, the place where I would think about so many things. As I sit down, I see how the boys are enjoying themselves. Some of them are taking pictures, while others are running after each other.

I just smile at them. They might be one of the most famous k-pop group out there, but deep down they were still kids and enjoyed the small things in life.

After a few minutes of watching them and swinging, I see Tae head in my direction and take a seat on the swing next to me.

"Are you happy, Ally?" He looks at me.

"Yes, I am." I give him a smile

All of a sudden I hear his stomach start to growl really loudly. He shyly looks up to me while grabbing his stomach.

"I think I'm hungry..." I laughed a little bit, but soon started to see all the boys run towards me saying that they were hungry.

I already had the perfect place to go since I've been craving these since the first week I moved to South Korea.

"I hope you guys all like Mexican because I'm taking you guys to eat the best authentic tacos ever!"


The next chapter is for y'all Latinos 😌

- Ash

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