43 - No Holding Back

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Ally's P.O.V.

It was already 11:21 pm and I am still practicing my dance for the second round. I've been at it for 5 hrs non stop. My clothes at this point were almost drenched in my sweat from how hard I've been practicing. My whole entire body felt exhausted, but I needed to practice until I got it right.

JK's P.O.V.

After practicing for hours, I decided that it was time for me to stop and head home. I grab all of my stuff and turn off all the lights before heading out. I was exhausted to say the least and all I wanted to do was go home and pass out.

As I'm walking through the halls, my ears caught the sound of music playing from a distance. I followed it to see where it was coming from. Maybe it was Jin Hyung practicing late again as he usually does.

As I follow the music, it takes me to one of the practice rooms. I took a little peak to see who was practicing this late at night. But to my surprise, I found Ally on the other side of the door.

I adjust myself so that she wouldn't see me and I carefully watch as she dances. Her movements seemed to flow very well without a single hint of struggle.

As I watch her dance, she suddenly runs and jumps in the air with her hands spread out. But as soon as she touches the ground, she loses her balances and falls to the ground.

She sits there for a couple of seconds looking at the ground before she stands back up and starts again. She gets into position and starts all over. Here she goes again, she runs across the room and then jumps into the air. It seems like she got it this time. A small smile creeps onto my face as I continue to watch.

But it soon vanishes as I see her fall to the ground harder than she did last time. As she sits on the floor, she starts banging on the floor with her hand in frustration. I couldn't hold myself back and without thinking, I opened the door and ran to her.

Ally's P.O.V.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!!

I start to bang on the ground with so much frustration as my vision starts to cloud with tears.

Why can't I get it right?!

"Ally, don't do that..." I soon feel someone grab my hand to stop me from banging it. I didn't need to raise my head to know who it was.

He suddenly gently grabs my face with both his hands and lifts it up so that I'm looking at him. I'm not sure why, but looking at him made the tears fall even faster.

"I can't do it..."

It was true. I couldn't do it... I've been working on that damn landing for almost 2 hrs now and I still haven't been able to achieve it. Everything was going so well up until now...

Once those words left my mouth, Jungkook quickly engulfed me in a tight hug. At this point, all I could do was cry in frustration from how much of a failure I felt.

He rubbed and patted my back in such a soothing and comforting matter. I usually would never cry in front of people because I hated people seeing me be weak, but for some reason, I didn't care at the moment.

All the tiredness and frustration have gotten to me that it must have left me too exhausted to even care about that. Or maybe it was the fact that it was Jungkook who was here. Maybe I felt comfortable and safe enough to see this side of me without caring.

After what seemed like an eternity, the tears finally stopped and I was able to calm down a bit. But Jungkook still continued to hold me in his warm embrace. As much as I wanted to pull back, a part of me didn't want to leave his arms.

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