10 - Idiot

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JK's P.O.V

As soon as both my hyungs finished singing, Jimin sits down next to me while smiling.

"Who's next?" Jin hyung asks. Tae had previously asked Suga to be his partner but bluntly rejected him as he was really tired and then immediately fell asleep after. I was going to offer myself to be his partner, but I was really hungry and all I wanted to do was eat.

"Me and Ally!"

I looked up in surprise, not believing who his partner was, but my eyes widened a bit when I saw him hand her the mic.

She seemed to be really shy since she wasn't getting up, but Tae started pulling her up and others were cheering her on to stand up. Once she does, Tae picks the song and it starts.

"Ya, can you believe that Ally is actually going to sing in front of us? She sounded really good a couple weeks ago, so I think she'll do great." Jimin comments to me with a smile of his while looking towards her.

When we both accidentally heard her sing a couple weeks ago, there was no denying the fact that she was actually pretty good.

Tae starts to sing and finishes up his part. Ally starts to sing as well. Even though she was singing well, you can hear it in her voice and see it on her face that she was really nervous.

But then Tae reaches for her hand and smiles at her. I just looked at her and saw that she managed to calm down her nerves and started feeling a bit more confident.

It wasn't soon until hyung started dancing and she soon followed. I've never seen her dance before so I don't really know what to expect, but once the chorus came, I looked at her surprised.

She was no longer shy, but confident in her singing and dancing. The dance itself was easy for us, but I would've expected for someone like her to have a bit of trouble. But that wasn't the case for her. She was getting every move right and on beat

Her moves were clean and sharp almost as if she's practiced this dance before...

"Wow! Are you seeing this, Jungkook?!" Jimin turns to me and asks with an expression of shock and excitement all over his face.

He just watched her with a huge smile on his face while cheering on for her and Tae as well. I just continued to look at her, not being able to take my eyes off of her.

It seems like I'm always finding out new things about her without even trying. There was definitely something about her that I couldn't point my finger at, but I wanted to figure it out in some way.

I kept my eyes on her the whole time that I didn't even realize that the song has just finished. You can hear everyone cheering for them, but mainly for Ally as she was really good.

After having many of the members go up to her and complement her, she takes a seat next to Mona again and I find myself staring at her again. Again I didn't notice that I was looking at her until she looked back at me and gave me one of her shy smiles.

And there it goes again. That weird feeling in my stomach.


We arrive back at the dorm after a fun night of singing and dancing. I was pretty tired, so I went straight to my room and hurried up on getting ready to go to bed.

Once I finished, I laid down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. Even though I was tired, I didn't really feel sleepy.

I hear the door open, but keep my eyes on the ceiling knowing well that it was just Tae since we shared a room together. He immediately fell on top of his bed.

After a while, I hear him shuffle around in his bed.



"What did you think of my performance with Ally?"

I just kept looking up, but now I was thinking back to their performance and her dancing and singing. What did I think about it? I thought it was good. But what did I think about her? That she was amazing...

"It was good, hyung." I simply say.

"Ally really did shock us today. I didn't even know she knew how to dance!"

She was a very reserved and quiet person, but she was also confident in some way. Even though I don't know much about her, tonight I saw a whole different side of her.

"I don't think that anyone knew either." I reply back as a smirk forms on my lips.

Jimin's P.O.V.

I lay in bed thinking about how much fun I had tonight, but what I can't stop thinking about is Ally. I knew that she could sing and she did really good today, but I had no idea that she could dance, especially like that.

When she was dancing it just looked so natural, as if she had been dancing her whole life. She just keeps surprising me everyday.

"What's with that smile on your face." I snap out of my thoughts when Yoongi hyung spoke and I looked at him.

"It's nothing. I just had a good time tonight, that's all." I look back at the ceiling still having that smile.

"I saw that you kept looking at Ally." I turn to look at him, but see him laying down with his eyes closed.

"She just surprised me tonight."

"She surprised everyone, not just you."

Yea she surprised everyone, but why couldn't I stop smiling when I thought about her?

Yoongi's P.O.V.

This idiot likes her. It's obvious.


What do y'all think of it so far?

- Ash

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