64 - Me

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Ally's P.O.V.

"He did everything for you."

Those words kept playing over and over again in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about it.

The more I reflected on Yoongi's words, the more I started to see things from a different perspective. No matter how heartbroken and hurt I've been this whole time, I knew that I couldn't be completely mad at Jungkook for trying to protect me.

All these thoughts then lead to something else that I haven't paid much attention to...

He still loves me.

Just thinking about this gave me chills all over again. He always cared about me all along.

I pushed the thought away as fast as it came. After months, I was finally moving on. I can't go back, but all this new information was making me feel some type of way.

I was feeling hopeful...

2 weeks ago, I resolved to never talk to him for the rest of my life and now, I was considering whether to give him a second chance.

But even if I did give him a chance, how would it even work out? I didn't want to jeopardize my chances of debuting. I've worked so hard to be where I am at and I don't want to give it up.

As I was thinking of that, I suddenly started to remember a particular event that would pop in my head once in a while and always made me wonder.


I open my eyes as I suddenly wake up. Turning around in bed, I see the spot next to me was empty. I decide to get up and check on where Jungkook is.

Letting out a big yawn as I was walking down the stairs, I hear soft whimpers coming from the first floor. I quietly make my way down and try to locate the whispers.

I was finally able to locate where the sound was coming from. I head to the kitchen and find Jungkook sitting at the table crying.


"Ally..." I was able to notice that I had startled him. He quickly wipes his tears away and gives me a soft smile that I knew he was forcing.

"Why are you crying?" Quickly, I take a seat next to him and rub his back soothingly, trying to make him feel better.

"I...I just had a bad dream, that's it."

A dream?...

"About what?"

"Just about us breaking up."

Hearing him say those words scared me, but it also stung. Getting up from my chair, I carefully sit on his lap and wrap my arms tightly around him, giving him a warm and loving hug.

He then starts to cry even more, which breaks my heart. I hate seeing him like this, even if it was over some bad dream.

I slowly pull away and I start to wipe away his tears. Next, I grabbed his face in my hands making sure that he was looking at me.

"I promise that I'll never leave you." I give him an assuring smile.

He then grabs my hands and brings them down, but holds onto one of them inside his.

"No matter what happens to us in the future, remember that I will always love you and you'll always be someone special to me. You're everything that I could've ever asked for and more and if we ever had to go our separate ways, just know that I'll always be thinking of you."

His words were so warm and filled with so much love that it made me feel butterflies. I knew that he was shaken up a bit by his dream, so I didn't put much thought into it.

Without saying anything, I lean in and softly place a warm, but fond kiss on his lips.

End of flashback

Whenever I would think back about this night, I quickly get filled with anger since I thought about how much of a liar he was. But, thinking about it now with what I know...it was different.

He wasn't just carelessly saying those words, he had a reason. When that night happened, it was a week before he ended things...

Everything was suddenly adding up now.

My vision was suddenly starting to get blurry by the second. I was starting to feel guilt inside me for not being able to read the signals that he was clearly giving me. I thought him becoming distant or off was because he was tired and he was stressed out.

Covering my mouth with my hand, I close my eyes as my tears finally fall down. Thinking about what he had to go through alone was slowly breaking my heart. I was upset, but more so angry with myself for being so stupid.

He did all this for me.


1 chapter left!! AHHHHH!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who has made it this far and has waiting patiently for each of my updates! 😭 This is the first book I've taken seriously on continuing and I'm glad I did!

I'll save the rest of my words for the last chapter since it'll be kinda long 🤣

Short chapter today, but Ally finally came to a realization!! Can anyone guess what's going to happen in the next chapter??? 👀

- Ashley

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