59 - Wake Up

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Jungkook's P.O.V.

After leaving and closing Yoongi's door, I lean against the wall thinking about our conversation. I let out a deep sigh as I started to gently bang my head against the wall hating myself.

I decided to let this go for tonight and head home to get some rest. As I'm walking down the hallways, I stop when I come across a hallway to my left that leads to the practice rooms.

The sudden desire to see if Ally was up practicing popped in my head. It's been weeks since I last saw her practice. Ever since Jimin caught me red handed, I haven't had the courage to continue seeing her.

Maybe she's not here tonight.

The more I thought about it, the more my mind was trying to convince me.

It won't hurt to check...

That was enough to convince me and start walking down the hallway. I didn't need to tell my legs where to go because they knew this familiar path very well.

I start to slow down my pace when I'm near the practice room that she would always use to practice. From where I was, I couldn't hear any music at all and suddenly, I could feel myself start to feel a little disappointed.

Taking a few steps forward, I stand in front of the entrance to the practice room. I carefully looked through the window to see if anyone was there.

There was no one.

My shoulders drop from disappointment and I suddenly start to feel stupid for thinking that she could be here tonight. Just as I was about to walk away, I saw someone from inside taking a leap into the air.

Quickly, I hide myself a bit and watch as they stick the landing and connect it with a flawless spin. Once they come to a stop, they look straight into the mirror. From the angle that they were standing, I could clearly see who it was just by their side profile.

Soon a small smile creeps onto my lips as my whole personality lights up.

I carefully watch as she continues to practice for a while. I notice how Ally soon starts to have trouble with getting down some steps. From behind the door, I watch how she tries over and over again, but continues to fail every time.

It seemed very odd for me to see her this way, since she's usually someone who gets the steps down pretty easily.

She gets into position to try one more time. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, I watch as she repeats the same moves that she has been doing for a while, but the outcome is different this time.

She no longer failed, but was able to get it. A small smile can be seen creeping in her face, but then I see how she wipes it off and shakes her head.

Soon, I see her getting into position again. She starts to dance all over again. I attentively watch when it's time for her to prepare for the leap. She starts running to gain momentum and suddenly leaps into the air, extending her arms out in perfect form.

Eagerly waiting for her to stick the landing, I was soon filled with worry when I saw her fall to the ground.

Ally's P.O.V.

I groan in pain as my body hits the cold hard ground that just a second ago was beneath my feet. I slowly push myself up as I feel my legs becoming numb by every passing second.

After struggling trying to get up, I finally stand on my feet and decide to try one last time. As soon as I start to dance again, I suddenly stop as I feel my head start to pound; after that, I start to feel light headed as well.

I grab onto my head as the pounding gets worse, but after a while I try to shake it off. But all that led to was my vision getting blurry. I decided that it was best if I drank some water and took a little break, so I started to walk towards where my stuff was.

But as soon as I took a step, the room suddenly  started spinning. Everything started to grow darker and darker and before I knew it, everything was pitch black.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

I immediately opened the door and ran to Ally as I saw her pass out on the floor. As soon as I reach her, I kneel on the ground and hold her in my arms.

"Ally..." I gently shake her to try to wake her up, but no response. At this point I could feel my body start to turn cold.

"Ally!" I shake her a little more aggressively this time in hopes that it would work, but nothing.

"Ally, wake up! Please wake up..." Panic now takes over me and all I can think is the worst.

No matter how much I yell out her name or try to wake her up, she just won't open her eyes.

Without wasting another minute, I place one of my hands on her back and the other one under her knees and lift her up.

I make sure that I'm holding her tightly as I start to run down the hallways. Not having time for the elevator, I take the stairs instead as I continue to call out her name. I quickly make it down and exit the building through the back where I have my car parked.

I open my car as I reach it and lay her down in the passenger side. I hurry to get in and I start to drive to the nearest hospital.

As I drive in panic, I ignore all the traffic signals and stop signs while trying to get her to the hospital as soon as possible.

"Ally...please wake up..." I reach out and grab her left hand as I hold it mine. My vision soon starts to get clouded with tears, but I wipe them away.

As I finally make it to the hospital, I pull up to the emergency entrance and park. I get out and run over to Ally's side to get her. Once I lift her out of my car, I quickly run inside shouting for help.

"Someone please help her!" Soon, a swarm of doctors and nurses were running towards me.

I carefully place Ally on the gurney as I see a doctor trying to get her pulse and put an oxygen mask on her.

"What happened?"

"I-I don't know... she just passed out and won't wake up..." My voice was very shaky as I tried to control it, but it was hard since I was crying.

I hold onto one of Ally's hands as I follow wherever she is being taken to.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to stay here and wait after we get some testing done."

Soon our hands are pulled apart as I watch her disappear behind two giant doors. I feel my legs give up on me and I fall to the floor. As I sit on the floor, crying my eyes out, I beg to God that nothing happens to her.



- Ash

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