62 - Talk

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Ally's P.O.V.

"What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home resting."

I wanted to wipe off his face that was filled with concern. I push myself past him and make my way inside his apartment. As I looked around the place I decided to get right into it.

"I've spent the past few days trying to figure out why of all people, you would be the most concerned about me." Finally, turning around and facing him, I look him directly in the eyes.

"I couldn't come up with any answers because I was so confused. Why? Well, because your actions are not matching up with your words."

I had every emotion possible running through my body at this moment and for a second I was scared that I was going to explode.

"But you know what's the funny thing about this whole situation? I waited for you to come and visit me."

Jungkook's P.O.V.

Hearing her say that surprised me, but then I suddenly felt bad for giving her any sort of expectation. I wanted nothing more than to go visit her after she woke up, but I didn't want to upset her with my presence when she was in the process of recovering.

"You broke up with me and clearly said that you didn't want to be with me anymore, so why are you suddenly getting involved in my life? Just when I'm about to move on... you make it harder."

I was about to say something when she continued on talking.

"You have no right to care about me after everything you made me go through. After all the nights I cried myself to sleep. After leaving me heartbroken and after making me feel like I did something wrong this whole time!"


"I wondered for weeks the reason why you didn't want to be with me all of a sudden when you would constantly tell me that I made you the happiest person ever, but I could never find a reason."

"Please just listen to m-"

"No, because it's finally my turn to talk after holding it in for almost a year! You were my everything and then you suddenly left like nothing... So what gives you the right to care about me!? Why do you care?!"

"Because I still love you!"

I couldn't keep it in anymore. It all became too much and I was starting to suffocate.

After I shouted those words, she stopped talking and her entire facial expression changed. I looked down at the ground, internally cursing at myself, just realizing what I had said.


Remaining silent, I debated if I could find an excuse to cover this up, but I couldn't find a good one. There was no going back now. Having said what I said, I knew it was time to let everything come to light.

"You don't think that I was in pain after all these months? There hasn't been a single day where I haven't felt miserable for letting you go."

It was finally time for me to talk and let out everything I've been keeping bottled up inside me for months.

"Ya... that doesn't make sense. You were the one who broke up with me." She didn't sound as mad as she was a couple minutes ago. I can tell what I said affected her.

"Just because I broke up with you didn't mean that I wanted to. I had no choice..."

I could feel a huge knot start to form in my throat as I tried to hold back the tears that I could feel coming at any second now.

"What are you talking about?"

"I had to let you go... for your sake."

And there it is. The truth.

"What do you mean for my sake?"

Ally's P.O.V.

"Trainees are not allowed to date and I didn't want to be the reason why you couldn't reach your dreams of being a singer. I didn't have any other option..."

Standing there in shock, I had no idea what to say. I was trying to process everything that he was telling me, but it was too much. My head was starting to spin and hurt from thinking too much.

I feel a pair of hands grab onto my arms. Then I heard my name being called, forcing me to leave my thoughts aside for a moment.

Jungkook was now standing a couple of inches in front of me. While looking straight at me, I looked at him back, taking notice of his glossy brown eyes.

"I'm really sorry, Ally... but please try to understand me." His voice gave up on him at the end as it faded away. He was now crying. My only thought of why he might be crying is because he felt bad.

Hearing those words come out of him, triggered something in me. After finally trying to hold it in, I just couldn't anymore and I let my tears come out.

I had no idea what to feel at the moment. That feeling of anger that I had when I first walked in was long gone and all that I had now was confusion. Never have I felt my heart feel so heavy in my life.

But the sudden feeling of not being trusted enough by someone, soon filled me up.

"Why didn't you tell me?! We could've worked it out together!"

"You don't think I've thought of a million ways on how we could? We couldn't... the company has ways of finding things out sooner or later."

We both stared at each other with waterfalls in our eyes. I wanted to yell at him more and tell him how stupid he is and how much I hate him, but I no longer had the energy to fight back. I was tired.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

Bringing my hands up to her face, I wipe away her tears with my thumbs. Next, I lay my forehead against hers as I close my eyes

I felt like such an asshole. Hearing myself say everything that I did to her and it's making me realize how much of an awful person I am.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you... you have no idea how many times I hated myself for putting you through this... please forgive me..."

Even though I knew that she could never possibly forgive, I feel like I needed to ask for forgiveness to keep my sane in some way.

I've lived in misery these past months, but I kept going because I knew I had to. There was never a day I didn't think about her or craved her love and touch. I never lost the hope of possibly being with her again, but maybe after this night, she'll hate me even more.

I open my eyes as I feel Ally grab both of my wrists gently and bring them down as she takes a step back. Seeing her do this scared me since I thought that maybe she was starting to hate me even more.

"I have to go..."

I started to panic.

"Ally...stay..." I grab onto her wrist as she starts to walk towards my door. I couldn't let her leave, especially not now.

I needed her.

Once again, she gently removes my hand from her wrist and returns it to my side. She was extremely quiet and her whole aurora changed which made me very concerned.

Without having any time to stop her, she's already out of my apartment as I stand in place looking at the door she just left through.


This chapter was so difficult to write but I think I did the best that I could 😭😳

Anyways, I just finished writing the last chapter of this book and I'm happy and sad to say that we only have 3 CHAPTERS LEFT!

But have no fear bcz the sequel is confirmed!! ☺️

I hope y'all liked this chapter so far and let me know what you guys thought about it!

- Ash 🙆🏻‍♀️

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