44 - One Kiss

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Ally's P.O.V.

No matter how hard I tried to suppress my smile, I just couldn't. There was almost no way that I couldn't smile at this moment.

As I'm applying a sheer lip tint onto Jungkook's lips, I couldn't help but look at them and blush which also led me to smile. Also the fact that Jungkook was smiling at me was contributing.

This whole entire time that I was doing his hair and makeup, I tried to act as professional as possible, but it was hard to do that when the person I like was staring at me constantly and smiling.

"Finished." As soon as I put down my lip brush, we both headed to his dressing room for him to get changed.

Once we arrive, I quickly go ahead and pick out his clothes and hang them up for him. When I finished picking out everything, I headed out to give him some privacy. Just as I was about to grab the door knob, I felt myself being pulled inside someone's arms.

"Stay." Jungkook was embracing me from behind and holding on to me as if I was going to leave for good. His action made me smile like an idiot.

"You need to hurry up and change." I grab a hold of his hands and take them off me while I turn around to face him.

"I have time." He goes in and hugs me tight while snuggling his face against my neck. "Let's just stay like this for a while. I miss holding you."

I knew that he wasn't going to let me go soon, so I just hugged him back.

"You hugged me yesterday."

"But that was yesterday. Today's a different day, plus right now is the only moment I'll get to hold you since I'll be busy all day." He proceeds to give me light kisses on my neck to which I feel my knees feeling weak to.

Suddenly he pulls away and looks at me. With one of his hands, he pushes my hair behind my ears as he smiles at me.

"You're so beautiful." My heart starts racing at his sudden words and I soon feel my cheeks start to get warm.

He then places his hand behind my neck and pulls me into a kiss. Unlike the other times when he would initiate the kiss, I didn't hesitate in kissing him back this time. I just let myself follow the rhythm of his soft lips while I wrap my arms around him.

But I suddenly remembered where we were at and what was happening, so I immediately pushed him back. This seemed to have confused him and caught him off guard.

"You. Go get changed now."

"Just one more kiss." I backed away from him as he was walking towards me while begging for another kiss. After a while, I finally pushed him into his dressing room and closed his curtains.

While I was standing next to him while he changed, I heard him slightly pull back the curtains and see him stick his head.

"Just one kiss please."

"You just don't know when to give up."

"Nope." Having enough of him, I push his head back in and close the curtains again. But afterwards I couldn't stop smiling from how cute he was.


"Did you have to wait so long for me? I tried not to take so long." I turned to look at a slightly shy Jungkook and couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked whenever he would get shy.

"Not really, I just kept myself busy by preparing for the comeback." I gave him an assuring smile and soon he returned one as well.

I looked ahead of me where I was walking and couldn't help but to feel slightly nervous. Although Jungkook and I have been together for 2 weeks, everything seemed so new to me. I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach every time I'm near him.

"I'm sorry if I asked to see you this late, but I really wanted to spend time with you today before I went home."

"It's fine, I know that you're busy so don't worry about it."

I immediately felt myself start to blush after knowing how much he wanted to see me. This man really will be the death of me someday.

A wave of pure silence crashed over us as we walked the quiet streets of Seoul. The only thing that I could manage to hear was my heart beating very loudly.

As I try to relax and calm down, I suddenly tense up even more when I feel my hand brush with Jungkook's. I noticed that he wasn't looking and managed to look down at our hands.

All of a sudden this moment felt like a scene from a drama and I was slightly freaking out internally.

Should I hold his hand?

After a few seconds of debating with myself if I should or shouldn't, I decide to go for it. I slowly move my hand closer to his. Right now, I felt so much anxiety running through me. Just as I was about to grab his hand, I chickened out at the last minute.

I went back to looking straight ahead and pretend like nothing ever happened.

But after a few seconds, I feel Jungkook grab my hand and then intertwine our fingers together. I looked down with wide eyes at our hands and had to hold back a squeal of happiness.

I then looked up to Jungkook to see that he was still looking forward, but also noticed that his cheeks were red.

We both didn't say anything, we just kept on walking. I've never felt this happy in my entire life like I did at this moment.

JK's P.O.V.

Should I just hold her hand?

I'm kind of scared to do it...

I accidentally brushed my hand with Ally's and I mentally started cursing at myself, but then thought that this was the perfect opportunity for me to hold her hand. I mean, we've kissed before so why shouldn't we hold hands?

I noticed from the corner of my eye how she looked down at our hands. I couldn't help but think how cute she was after seeing her try to hold my hand.

It's time to man up, Jungkook!

As soon as she looked away and straight ahead, I slightly looked down at her hand. I was about to grab her hand until I hesitated and stopped.

Man up!

Not wanting to be a coward, I gently grab a hold of her hand and intertwine our fingers together. I can tell that this caught her by surprise. I decided not to look down and just look straight ahead.

My heart was pounding so hard right now that I felt like it might actually rip out of my chest. After a while, I took a quick glance at her and couldn't help, but to smile at the sight of her red cheeks and shy smile.


They're finally together! 😭🥺

I tried to make this chapter very interesting and cute while also adding a little bit of "fluff" 🙂

Also excuse me if I made any grammar errors but I'm writing and posting this at almost 1 am 🥲

Anyways I'm thinking about changing the Title of the book as well as the cover but I'm not sure as to what though 🤔 But I just wanted to let you guys know so y'all don't freak out in the future and find the book under a different name or cover 🤣

I hope y'all enjoyed and now I'll go to sleep! Stay safe and sweet dreams!

- Ash

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