33 - Jelousy

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Ally's P.O.V.

The boys have been so busy lately with a lot of interviews, meaning a lot of work for the staff as well. The boys were used to this kind of stuff but since we are in a pandemic, Interviews is all that they can do at the moment.

But with a busy schedule comes stress and tiredness which the boys are definitely feeling. Jungkook like always was getting through this like a champ but I've gotten close enough to him to know when he is truly tired. The one person who I have seen have a hard time is Jimin.

At the moment, the guys were in the middle of answering questions from fans that have been sent in. I listened carefully as each boy gave their response.

"Jimin, how have you been holding up with everything that is going on and what do you do to keep yourself positive? Also I miss you so much!"

Everyone was waiting for Jimin's response, but he was taking a while.

"Well...these past months have not been easy at all in all honesty. I'm a performer, but not being able to do that makes me feel like I don't really have a purpose. But what keeps me going is Army and the hope that I'll see them soon in concert."

You can tell how much pain and sadness there was in his voice and in a way he struggled to speak, but he managed to get through it.

After his response, the interviewer thanked them for their time and the interview finally came to an end.  The boys gave their thanks, but Jimin seemed to have rushed away somewhere quickly.

I was about to go after him to see if he was okay until someone called out my name.

"Ally!" I turn around to see Jungkook walking toward me with his adorable bunny smile. I couldn't help but to smile back as well. "Where were you going?"

"Oh Um, nowhere." We continue to smile at each other and converse as we make our way out the building and back to BigHit.


After getting back to BigHit I decided to work on some new outfit ideas that I had in mind for Jungkook. My butt was starting to go numb from sitting too long so I decided to get up and get some coffee from the lounge.

While on my way, I spot Jimin sitting in one of the rooms alone. I thought that I'd be a great idea if we both got coffee so I carefully walked to the door. I was about to knock when I heard him sniffle.

He was crying...


He quickly wiped his tears away with the sleeves of his hoodie and looks up at me.

"Ah, Ally...What's up?" He forces a smile on his lips but I knew that he didn't mean it.

I make my way into the room and sit next to him. Looking at his red puffy eyes made me want to cry.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing really, I just feel stressed but I'm okay." There he goes again forcing a smile.

"Jimin, you're not okay." Without thinking I reach out for one of his hands and hold it into mine to try and comfort him. But I think it might have made it worse since a waterfall of tears started to escape from his eyes.

I gently pull him into my arms and rub his back. After a few minutes, he manages to calm down a bit. He pulls back and finally looks at me.

"You know, I didn't think that this would be so hard...With everything going on in the world right now, cancelling our tour, and not meeting our fans. But after a couple of months, it starts to get to you and the thought of maybe not being able to perform again starts to seem like a reality..."

He tears his view away from me and looks down at his hands that he is fidgeting with. As I look at him my heart breaks. It breaks me to see him in this state and knowing that there isn't anything that he can really do about the situation.

"At first I was fine, but then a few weeks passed which turned into months and even more months and the desperation of wanting to perform in front of Army intensified. Knowing that all I can do is perform to empty chairs while they watch from home just isn't enough for me anymore."

I had no idea what to say. To be honest, I had no idea how to really comfort people who were crying.

"I bet that your fans know how much you and the boys want to see them and perform in front of them...and I bet that they understand too."

I once again grabbed his hand gently to make him look at me.

"Army knows better than anyone in this world that you guys are doing the best that you can with giving them content. They know that you're trying your best to get through this."

He just looks at me with those sad eyes of his.

"Jimin, this isn't forever and I promise you that you're going to see them again and that you're going to be able to give them the best performance that they have ever seen in their life. I know it's hard right now, but all you can do right now is wait and think about the day where you will see them again."

I start to wipe the few tears that have fallen from his beautiful eyes.

"Army loves you so so much and they'll wait as long as they need to in order to see you guys again. Don't lose hope, okay?" I give him a warm smile and he does the same by giving me a small one.

"Thank you, Ally...." With one of his hands he placed it on top of mine. "I'm sorry you had to see me in this state..."

"Don't ever be sorry." He finally gives me the smile that I love to see on him.

He grabs both my hands and pulls them away from his face and goes in to hug me tightly.

JK's P.O.V

I was on my way to go see Ally to change up my hair and I couldn't stop smiling about how I would get to spend the next few hours with her.

While walking down the hall, a voice catches my attention. It sounded like Ally's. I slowly walked In the direction of her voice and stood in front of a door. I was about to call her name when Jimin came Into my view.

It looked like he was crying, but what caught my attention more was how she was grabbing his face in between her hands. I watch as he places his hands on hers and I can feel jealousy taking over my body

Soon he pulls her into a tight hug. This was enough to have my blood boiling. Having enough, I walk away, not wanting to see the girl I love hugging the guy who also wants her.


Can this be a turning point in the story and between Ally and JK?? 👀

- Ash

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