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Watching Aera paint always calmed Sehee's nerves. She didn't understand art, atleast not the abstract art Aera was preparing for her portfolio. She however, loved to watch the different colours mix together to make something beautiful.

Aera had always been good at art and Sehee was glad that she could do something that she loved. Not everyone got the chance to persue their dream. Some don't even have the luxury to dream.

It wasn't ever Sehee's dream to open a restaurant but it just kind of happened as she realised she had the talent. Working multiple jobs in restaurants and cafes to keep a roof over her head and food just enough to survive, she had started picking up skills that enabled her to become a good chef.

Finishing the final touches on the canvas, Aera turned around and wiped her hands that never seemed to be completely void of colours.

"So, are you going to see Kim Seokjin and try to resurrect your relationship?" The younger woman asked, munching on some snacks.

Sehee sighed. "I don't know if we'll go back to how we were before but I do want to tell him everything. I broke his heart, kept him dark, said things that I shouldn't have and no matter how good the cause, the emotional pain I inflicted on him wasn't fair. I don't want any unnecessary bitterness between us."

"But he kept things from you too, didn't he? You can't take all the blame on yourself. It's not fair." Aera countered, her logical brain trying to weigh the fault.

"You are right." Sehee conceded, nibbling on the rice cracker. "He should have told me sooner but I guess he was afraid of my reaction. He was afraid, I'd push him away, which I did, out of the fear of the scrutiny and hate. You know how fans can be like."

Aera pressed her lips, her eyes narrowing in disapproval. "I sometimes hate these so called fans so much. Why can't people just leave idols be? They have feelings too. How can people expect them to remain away from love? But unnie, you wouldn't have left him, would you?"

Sehee took time to collect her words. What she was about say wouldn't sound as if she was the one talking but she had come to this conclusion after spending hours thinking about.

"I would have left him, Aera." She watched the younger ones eyes becoming round with surprise, but she didn't say anything. "Maybe not left but I would have atleast asked for a break. It's a huge thing, you know. It's an even bigger deal in Korea and I can't just go with everything. I'm not invincible. I break too and the pressure would have killed me.

"However, after the time I got to think about everything, I realised, I'm okay with it. My love for Seokjin is greater than the fear of being hated. I wouldn't want the fans to hate him and the members though but I won't leave his side if he doesn't want me to."

Aera listened like a diligent child, the wheels in her head turning, trying to understand how love worked or what colour could it possibly be but she couldn't really figure it out. Somethings just needed to be experienced.

"So, do you have a plan or are you just going to drop at his place and talk it out?" Aera asked curiously, leaning forward in excitement.

Sehee shrugged, "Yeah, I guess. I'll talk to Yoongi first to see what time I could catch him alone. But why do you look so excited about it?"

The other girl smiled bashfully, trying to hide her blushing face with her short hair. "Well, you know I follow them and they are pretty cool and you know, their signatured albums would make a good impression on my customers. What do you say?"

Sehee stared at the girl, doing her best attempt of looking like a cute, innocent baby but she forgot one thing, Sehee had become immune to her cutesy act long time ago.


With that single word, Sehee left the art studio, a pouting Aera screaming at the top of her lungs how she'd do her any favour in exchange of the autographs.


Our love birds are going to meet soon!!

Are you excited? Because I am!

Just a few more chapters till the end and I don't know if I should be happy or sad that this book is going to end soon. I'm too attached to this book. ಥ‿ಥ

Anyways, I hope you all are doing well.

Thank you for reading!!😊

After hours ✓(editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon