Chapter 8: Reginald

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Chapter 8: Reginald

"This reminds me of the maze we have back home." I told her, my gaze sweeping over the dark green hedges that towered over us. "I ended up getting lost in it a few times with my brother." I told her, smiling at the memories of the hours Samuel and I had spent traveling around inside the maze, preferring to find our way out rather than flying.

"Did you find your own way out after awhile?" She questioned, her voice spoke oddly, as if she had another question to ask, but refused to. Not that I was surprised, one sentence from her was a surprise in itself. I just wish I knew why.

"Eventually, of course. Most of the time we would try to find our way out on foot but then hunger would get the best of us and we would end up flying out." I chuckled, guiding her towards the entrance of the maze.

"Flying?" Princess Illiana whispered, her lips parted in awe as she stared up at me and, once more, I could feel my heart ache for her once more.

"Yes, though we tried not to until the very end." Forced laughter escaped from me, trying not to show the feelings inside of me. Hoping that she would say something about it and, yet, she merely nodded, her eyes turning away from me. A short silence fell between us as we walked forward, submerging ourselves in the maze in front of us. "You know, back home, there is actually a fountain in the middle of the maze. That was where my brother and I would spend most of our time there, just playing around."

"There is a fountain in ours as well." She stated mindlessly, her gaze staring ahead of her.

"Oh?" I questioned, a thought forming in my head. All the times my brother and I had played around, we were running around, splashing each other until we were soaked to the bone. I attempted to imagine her, this timid female, doing something like that. "Do you spend a lot of time there?"

"With my siblings."

"Do you do anything special here? Like play around, tell stories, things like that?" I asked, hoping that she would tell me, that should would once more break down those walls and allow me to see the girl that she really was.

"My little brothers and sisters enjoy playing tag or hide and seek." Princess Illiana smiled softly, the gentleness inside of her finally coming out. "At times, we would also splash each other for entertainment, that is until one ran away and the others began to chase."

"That sounds like it would be eventful." Laughter echoed inside my chest as I attempted to imagine this girl and her siblings playing freely and without fear. In all honesty, it was almost impossible.

But if I was lucky, maybe I could at least see Princess Illiana without that fear.

"It looks like it might rain later." She muttered softly, her eyes trailed up at the sky where small gray clouds were gradually growing.

"Not until later, I am sure." I confessed, my hand falling on hers and giving it an encouraging squeeze. "I promise we will be back before the storm hits."

"What if it hits earlier than you believe it will?" She questioned.

"Then I will rush you inside." I promised, smiling down at her slightly. "Perhaps, if you would be willing to put up with me for a bit longer, we could so more together after lunch. Read a book inside or you could give me a tour of your home."

She nodded once and if she would only accept anything and everything I offered but would give very little in return.

"Do you have a favorite book?" We rounded a corner and my eyes trailed to the separate directions we could go. Right, left, or forward.

"It is a silly book." She muttered, her hand rising to the right, her finger held steady as she pointed at it. "This way if you want to see the fountain."

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