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*Homophobia (f-slur)


'Uh, well I don't think so,' I said.

'Oh, you arsehole, stay away.'

'How the hell did you know we were here?' George whispered.

'George, I always know where you are. I follow you all the time since you came out. You wanted me to beat you up, right? I mean, if you offer.'

I grabbed my phone, but his dad saw. He kicked my hands and my phone flew away. I couldn't see whether it had broken or not, but it seemed that way. I needed a plan, Darryl and Zak had to save us. But they didn't know I was here. I had to grab my phone and type something at them. As I saw George's father grabbing George's shoulders I stumbled backwards, grabbing my phone.

I tried turning it on, but it was broken. I saw that George got beaten and he fell on the ground revealing his phone in his pocket. I had to make a plan. George's dad started literally kicking George's chest and I sneaked behind him. I kneeled down, acting like I was shielding George, but I grabbed his phone. He nodded shortly and I held it behind my back. I looked at it shortly and went to Darryl's chat.

highesyg buildign now callw poclie

Darryl immediately texted back.

u okay, george? coming


I hid his phone in my pocket and looked in horror at the scene in front of me. George was bleeding and he laid down crawled up like a ball, softly crying.

'Leave him alone,' I screamed at his dad.

'He lied to me and he told you he deserves to get beaten up, right?'

'Don't, leave him alone. He has done nothing wrong.'

'He lied to me.'

'Because he was scared of you. Let him go, RIGHT NOW.'

His dad walked towards me and clenched his fists. He hit my face and I fell down.

'Run, George. Please, run.'

George tried crawling up, but he couldn't. Blood was streaming down on the ground because of a big cut in his head. I saw George struggling to stand up, but as soon as he managed to stand up, his dad kicked him down again. He started kicking harder and harder.



'Do you think I care? He was an accident anyway. I don't need him in my life.'

'Accident or not, he is your son.'

I heard George scream because of the pain. It was heartbreaking to hear. He screamed louder as he got hit every time.

'Stop, dad. Please.'

I saw George cry and he was curled up like a ball, holding his arms in front of his head. I walked towards him and grabbed his shoulders. He startled and hid himself even more.

'It's me,' I whispered.

George looked at me, his face was covered in blood. I wiped some blood away and smiled at him. 'I'm with you, I won't let you die.'

George's father grabbed my wrist and lifted me up. 'GET AWAY FROM HIM,' he screamed at me.

'No, I won't. I freaking won't. Let me go, I called the police.'

His dad eyes got bigger and he got even more angry, he started kicking George harder and harder and I tried to shield George, but he just pushed me away.

'YOU'RE HURTING ME SO MUCH,' George screamed hopeless, crying his eyes out.

It broke my heart, it genuinely did. My heart seemed to be crushed in ten thousand pieces when he kept screaming. And then- his dad kicked him in his face. Not once, no- probably around ten times.


He took that as his opportunity to leave immediately and he started running away. He ran into Darryl and Zak and it didn't take long before I heard sirens coming closer. I looked at George, he was breathing very uneven and his eyes kept rolling away.

'I-I-I'm d-d-dying, C-Clay.'

'You're not going to die, I'm with you. I'm with you George.'

'D-d-do y-you l-l-like me?'

'I do.'

'I'm d-dying. C-Clay, I-I l-love y-you. I'm s-sorry.'

I started crying also now, it really did seem like he was going to die. He almost wasn't breathing anymore. With that I took my chance and pressed a very short and tender kiss on his lips. He smiled softly as we broke apart.

'Do you w-want t-to be my b-b-boyfriend?'


Before I could answer George's eyes rolled away and he stopped breathing, his pulse went slower and slower and then stopped. He seemed- dead...

795 words

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