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{1 year later}

THE DOOR BLEW OPEN AND DRACO ENTERED, VERY EXHAUSTED. I smiled at him and went back to my work. He came by the dining table and kissed the top of my head.

"Busy day at the office?" I asked.

"Yeah," he sighed "You?"

"Not really," I said "I've been trying to solve the Blackwell's case, but no luck. Harry wants me to label it as a cold case."

"You just need to take a break," Draco said "I can take a day off from work. Plus I also have to do good on that promise I made you on your balcony."

"That's sound nice," I said "I mean with everything going on we barely got to spend some time together." Draco worked for hours on end to restore his name and his unexpected hiatus took a toll on the company. Meanwhile, Ron and I have been trying to solve the Blackwell's case for the last six months. Draco actually got jealous of the time me and Ron spent together but he knows I wouldn't cheat on him and Ron wouldn't do that to Daphne.

"Day after tomorrow?" he asked, looking at his calendar.

"Harry and Ginny's anniversary," I answered.

"Next Wednesday?"

"Ron and Daphne's wedding."

"The Thursday after that?"

"James's birthday."

"Next month first Friday?"

"Luna and Rolf's anniversary."

"Merlin!" he groaned "Three months from today is the only time both of us are free."

"Blaise and Tracey's wedding is on that day," I said giving him a small smile.

"We could go tomorrow?" Draco asked.


"Yeah, tomorrow. I can re-schedule the meetings. There is this restaurant in Manchester that Crabbe told me about," he said "I don't know if it's still open. And I know it's not the most romantic place in the world-"

"Stop," I said "Any place is romantic if I'm with you."

"I love you so much," he said and I pecked his lips "I'll book us a table."


I should have known that Draco wouldn't take me to an ordinary restaurant. The place he took me to in Manchester was not... normal in muggle terms. It was more like the leaky cauldron but much fancier. The whole restaurant seemed to be dimly lit and the tables were floating. Draco got us a table which was floating a good five feet above the ground.

"Please don't tell me you're scared of heights," Draco whispered in my ear.

"No, I'm not," I said. One of the maitre d' lowered the table and we sat down. One of the table corners hit Draco in the stomach and he winced in pain. He groaned and complained till we reach the top. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You always were dramatic, weren't you?" I commented.

"You try getting hit in the same place as your stitches," he complained.

"Does it still hurt?" I asked concerned. I forgot about the stitches a couple minutes after Ginny gave them.

"Only if you hit it," he replied. I nodded.

"That was one of my worst memory," I said. Draco gave me a sympathetic smile and held my hand.

"I know," he said "That's also one of my worst memories and one of my worst injuries. Never thought I would be this grateful to a Weasley. And Ginerva of all people."

"Really Draco? After six years, you still can't stop taunting the Ginny and Ron," I said.

"Old habits die hard," he said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "It's so unbelievable that me getting stabbed led to us breaking up."

"I know," I sighed "But if I had to do it all over again I would."

"Every single decision?"

"Every single decision."

"I wouldn't mind changing a few things," he said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What would you change?" I asked.

"I would have been way nicer to you earlier on," he said. I chuckled softly.

"You know, when we first got together I never thought that we would be together after five years," I admitted.

"I think there is a muggle saying for us," Draco said "Uh... what was it... opposites attract?"

"Yeah," I said "That's nice and all but it doesn't matter if we were two very different people at our cores."

"So, were you... relieved when we broke up?"

"God, no!" I said "It just made me realize that at our cores we are good people and that's enough." Draco smiled and kissed the back of my hand. After a few minutes his phone rang. He saw who called and hung up. I saw a glimpse of the person who called him.

"It's work," he explained "I can answer it later."

"Are calls from Luna work related now?" I asked.

"She's doing... this article... about my company," Draco explained. I nodded and diverted my attention to my food. Draco was lying to me for some reason. We ate our food in silence and apparated home.

I looked around the flat and the floor was covered in rose petals. Small scented candles were placed all around the flat and they were the only source of light. I took a deep breath and it smelled like freshly mown grass, new parchment, and Draco's cologne. Amortentia candles. Luna took pride in dabbling with magical objected. She somehow found a way to make candles smell like the thing you love the most.

"It always smelled like the airport to me," Draco said "You know, how the airport had that little lemony smell."

"When did you do all of this?" I asked.

"I didn't," he said "Ginerva and Luna  did." So that was what the phone call was about.

"Why?" I asked. Draco moved closer to me, so close that we were just mere inches apart.

"Because I have a question to ask," he said "We have been together for less than two years but I can't imagine the rest of my life without you." He pulled out a small red box and opened it. Inside, there was a ring with the biggest diamond that could fit on a ring.

"Hermione Jean Granger," he said "Will you marry me?"

"Yes," I said "Of course I will!"

Project Doxycide: A Dramione storyWhere stories live. Discover now