TODAY WAS A NEW DAY. There should be nothing special about today. Yesterday, I erased Draco's memories and we were back to being enemies. I hadn't broken his heart like M wanted me to but I guess he, she, it was satisfied with what I did. I didn't get any notes so far and the old ones I had just vanished. Everyone found out that me and Draco broke up. I have Ginny to thank for that. She told everyone that I couldn't be with Draco because of his family. I did everything to make sure that Draco never found out. All this in a matter of few hours.

I shook the thoughts out of my head, plastered on a smile and I went to the Great hall for breakfast.

"You okay Hermione?" Ginny asked.

"I'm fine," I said.

"You sure?" Luna asked.

"Yes," I said and I smiled so that they would be convinced "I'm fine. I'm great."

"You it's perfectly normal if you feel like crying," Ginny said.

"But I don't feel like crying," I said, stabbing a strawberry with my fork "I'm fine. I'm not going to be one of those girls who is going to fall apart and stat crying for three days straight just because she broke up with her boyfriend. Granted, the boyfriend didn't have a choice. Nevertheless, I'm fine."

"If you say so," Ginny said "So when erased his memories what exactly did you do."

"Basically, he remembers that I did the project by myself. He spent Christmas at Hogwarts and he got the stab wound as a quidditch injury. He even got a phone from his half- sister, Alicia, and I deleted my number from it," I said. Saying that hurt more than I realized, but I needed to say it, if I ever want to move on. I needed to accepted the fact that Malfoy and I aren't getting back together anytime soon.

"You know I can erase your memories if you want," Luna suggested. I smiled at her.

"Thank you, but no. I thought about it and if you erase my memories than Draco and I can fall in love all over again and we would be right back where we started," I explained "So, I must be the sole bearer of the memories."

"I can't imagine doing that for-"

"What the hell did you do Granger?" Ginny was cut off by a very angry Pansy Parkinson.

"Parkinson," I said, rolling my eyes "What do you want?"

"Don't Parkinson-what-do-you-want me!" she spat back "What the hell did you do to Draco? You cheating on him with Blaise did quite a number on him! He doesn't even remember dating you! And you say you couldn't be with him because of his family. Seriously Granger? I thought you were smarter than that."

"Yeah, well, first things first I didn't cheat on him with Blaise," I snarled "And how did you find out."

"Blaise was acting weird and Draco does not remember dating you. I put two and two together and that's how I know," she scoffed "So I'm asking you one last time. What the hell did you do to Draco? And you better not lie to me!"

"I erased his memories," I said and I explained her the whole situation to her "Please keep this a secret. Draco can't find out about me erasing his memories. We are going to have to stop talking to each other. I've told Blaise the same thing."

"Oh," she said "How long?"


"How long until you give his memories back?" she asked.

"I will at some point of time," I said "Not in the near future though."

"All right Granger, I look forward to becoming your friend again at some point of time. And I'm sorry for what I'm about to do next but like you said. Draco can't suspect a thing," she gave me a wicked little smile and dumped a cup of pumpkin juice on my head. Pansy could be really extra at times. I rushed of to the nearest bathroom and got cleaned up. Ginny and Luna followed for some reason. The three of us headed out and I saw Draco leaving the Great Hall, flirting with another girl.

Project Doxycide: A Dramione storyWhere stories live. Discover now