DRACO WAS ALREADY AWAKE WHEN I CAME OUT OF MY ROOM. He stood in the little balcony I had in the flat.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked, standing next to him in the seven o'clock sun.

"What does it looked like?" he retorted "Photosynthesis." I laughed softly.

"No seriously, you shouldn't be out here," I said.

"I know," he said, closing his eyes and lifting his head up to the sun "But the sun feels nice."

"Who knew Draco Malfoy loved the sun?" I joked and he chuckled softly "How come you are up so early? You don't usually wake up till nine."

"I..um.. I just couldn't sleep... because... uh... damn it, there is no point in lying to you," he said "I ran out of sleeping draught."

"Why do need that?" I asked.

"I can't sleep without it," he said "Your screams from when you were tortured at Malfoy Manor still haunt my dreams. Every time I close my eyes, I can hear them and it's like we are back there again. So, I brewed a strong solution of sleeping draught which keeps me down for about eight hours. When we went to Australia they had to throw them away so on our first night there I just obliviated myself with your wand."

"And when I gave your memories back I unknowingly gave back the one you yourself obliviated," I said, completing his thought.

"I just ran out yesterday and you don't have any potion ingredients," he said. My flat was surrounded by muggles, so I didn't keep any wizarding items except my wand and work stuff.

"Some days are better than others," I said "But eventually you'll get over them."

"Are you over them?" he asked. I didn't say anything. "That's why I destroyed Malfoy Manor," he said "Re-built it for company head quarters. It was a way to try and live with the bad memories."

There was a small moment of silence and then Draco spoke up again. "Remember the day I asked you how you knew I didn't murder Astoria?"

"And I said that you don't murder the people you love," I said "It was a week ago. Yes, I remember it."

"I should have said it then but I don't love Astoria."

"What?" I said laughing "Of course you do!"

"I do, but I don't," he said "I love her in the same way I love Blaise or Pansy or Theodore."

"Then why were you going to marry her?" I asked

"Family," he said and it explained everything "But the truth is I never loved her, or anyone really, in the same way I love you."

"Loved me," I mumbled but Draco heard it.

"No, love you," he said "Because truth is Granger, I never stopped loving you. I couldn't."

"Good," I said "Because, I fell in love with you in our last year at Hogwarts and then I got over it and now I fell in love with you all over again."

"But the whole reason we broke up is because I was bad for you," he said, glumly "That hasn't changed. You lied to Harry and now you are harboring a fugitive."

"Draco, that's not why we broke up," I said "I was eighteen. I had my own mind and no one influenced it and yes, some of my decisions have been questionable but if I had to do it all over again, I would make the exact same decisions every single time. We broke up because you thought the darkness in your life could break me because you were broken. But now, neither of us are broken. And we can't break each other because we are not glass objects. We are not easi-" I was cut-off by Draco's lips meeting mine.

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