BLAISE STARED AT ME FOR A VERY LONG TIME. I knew he was working on his project today, and I needed his help. He knew all things Draco after all.

"Come on in," he gestured for me to enter the room. I closed the door behind me and used the muffliato charm to make sure no one could hear our conversation. "What do you need help with?"

"I need to break up with Draco," I said. Just saying it out loud hurt so much. How much would it hurt to actually do it?

"You want to what?" Blaise exclaimed, dropping some potions ingredients on the floor "Why? I know he can be a complete over-protective arse, not to mention his ego, but he means well."

"I know," I said "I don't want to end my relationship with him but I have to."

"What?" he asked.

"You can't tell anyone about this," I said and I handed him the note I recently found. He read over it. "Come on, Hermione, this is just a stupid prank."

"I thought so too," I said "But the bludger was the first warning and now Draco was stabbed. Six inches higher and it would have been his heart!"

"Think logically Hermione," Blaise said, rubbing the back of his neck "Just figure out who this M is and then you won't have to break up with him."

"Believe me, I did think about that," I said "But the longer I'm with Draco, the more danger he's in. And I can't have him die because of me. I don't want him to die because of me!"

"Fine, you break up with him and then what?" Blaise asked raising an eye brow "You live our your lives separately ever after?"

"I don't know maybe," I said. I tried very hard to blink back tears. This whole situation was very frustrating.

"No, there has to be another option!"

"There isn't," I yelled. I calmed myself down, but I was still very frustrated. "There just isn't! I've tried and I thought about it, over and over again. And- why do you and Draco have the same stupid cologne!?"

Blaise looked at me with a confused expression sprawled across his face and then a realization dawned on him. "Amortentia, Hermione," he said softly "Pansy and I have to brew Amortentia for our potions project."

"Merlin," I whispered "I really do love him, don't I?

"There has to be another way. There just has to be!" Blaise exclaimed "I've known Draco for a very long time and he has never loved anyone the way he loves you. And I bet the same goes for you."

"I know," I breathed "But, if you were in my place and instead of Draco it was Tracey, what would you have done?" Blaise and Tracey broke up a few weeks ago. They both got too busy for each other and so Blaise broke up with her. He still loved her and as far as I'm concerned so did she.

He stayed silent for a long time. He sighed and said, "Draco is my best friend. Sure he can be a pompous, arrogant prat at times and he sometimes he thinks he's invincible. Saying he's mean is an understatement, but he's the only one I have, and I'm not going to lose him. I'm not going to let him die."

"Wait, so you're agreeing with me?" I asked "You're not going to fight me anymore?"

"No, Hermione, I'm not going to fight you," Blaise said "So, how are you going to break up with him?"

"I don't know," I said "I was hoping you would help me with that part."

"You could avoid him for a couple of days and then say you guys drifted," Blaise suggested.

"That's a couple of days too long," I said "I need to break up with him now or tomorrow."

"Ooh, you could say that you are moving to Siberia," Blaise said "And you don't want a long distance."

Project Doxycide: A Dramione storyWhere stories live. Discover now