Late Night Talks

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You and Oikawa did exactly what he said he was going to do. You both walked under the stars but it wasn't at all romantic.
The whole time you talked about your past in Nekoma, not leaving out a single detail.

As much as it seemed like you and Oikawa didn't get along, he was actually a good friend to you.
Iwaizumi was the one who introduced the two of you and since then he has treated you like a dear friend.
Yes he always has been a flirt with you but who hasn't he flirted with.
Oikawa also knew that deep down, you were off limits because you were his best friends little cousin.

You could say that Iwaizumi and Oikawa replaced Kuroo and Kenma..but it wasn't the same when you hung out with them.

"Wow..that's really went through that?"

"Yeah..And it broke me beyond made me feel small and even sabotaged a potential relationship with someone I really cared about.."

Oikawa nodded slowly to your words. He was acting different than usual and he'd blame that on you.
You L/n Y/n, have always been a soft spot to Oikawa.

"I'm sorry Y/n..that you had to go through all that..I couldn't imagine what I'd be like to have the one person who's always been by your side, just ruin it all for some guy.."

"I know..but since the years went on, I kinda realized that I never meant to her as much as she meant to me..or else she wouldn't of betrayed me like that..But I also should of seen it coming honestly.."

"Why you say that?"

"Well..she was the one to introduce me to Renjiro Nomura..and well it was clear that she liked him..but he chose I guess she didn't like not getting her own way..and I guess the whole fact of me not 'putting out' for him..made a clear route for her to ruin things..and get what she wanted.."

Oikawa ran a hand through his hair. "Why did you never tell Iwa or me about this?"

"Well..I didn't feel the need to..I felt like moving was a good excuse to start over and leave them all behind.."

"All behind you say..."

You sighed. "Yeah..All.."

Oikawa's stopped when you both hit a park. The park was lit up with fairy lights and a perfect bench was waiting for them to take a seat.
He looked over to you and motioned you to follow him.

You both took a seat, keeping a friendly distance between you two.

"You should tell Iwa..I'm sure he would like to know this kind of thing.."

"I will..tomorrow after the date is over...I don't wanna ruin things for him right's been awhile since he's been on a date.."

"I know the feeling." Oikawa chuckled.

You raised an eyebrow. "Really now? No special girls you decided to take out when you left Japan for volleyball?"

He shook his head with a smile. "Nope..not one actually..Although I told Iwa -chan a different story..but he doesn't need to know that." He winked.

"So I guess I'm your first date in a long time huh?"

"Yeah.." He said shyly. "And it didn't even count." He smirked.

You liked this side of Oikawa. A caring guy who hides behind the persona of a 'fuck boy'. But there was more to him than that.

" can call it date then I guess..besides, I owe you for taking me away from that 'double date'."

He smiled to you. " don't think.."


"Do you think that maybe..the date will go so well that they might..ya know.."

"God I hope not! She's engaged to Renjiro!!!"

Oikawa was taken aback. "She's what!"

"Kenma told me..."

"Wow..Awe man, hey once a cheater always a cheater.."

You chuckled . "But she didn't cheat..Renjiro did.."

Oikawa smirked. "Whatever, it sounded cool." He playfully punched your arm.

You smiled back at him. "Thanks again Oikawa."

"Call me Toru..I like it better coming from you."

You shook your head. "Nah, I like lameKawa, mr, 'hit it until it breaks'"

"So meannnn Y/n-chan!"

You both shared a laugh in the night but the silence soon took over the two of you.
You found yourself looking up into the night sky, staring at the little stars that you could see.
"There's so many more stars in Miyagi than here..."

"I agree...I kinda miss Miyagi.."

"Will you go back?"

"Maybe..but I gotta figure out what I have to do with volleyball.."

"Don't you have to go back to Argentina?"

He sighed. " a few weeks..But I don't know..I kinda missed home ya know?"

"I get it..that's how I felt in America..New York was great and all but..It wasn't home."

"Don't tell Iwa I've said all of this..he'd call me a softy."

You chuckled. "But you are a softy."

"Only for you Y/n-chan." He winked.

The silence fell over the two of you again, it this time the sound of your phone buzzing with a text interrupted.

Iwa!!: Hey..yeah don't come home, but we need to talk tomorrow okay?

You sighed. "You were right...."

Oikawa leaned over and took a look at your phone.
"Awe man..I feel sick.."

"Me too..can I spend the night at your place?"

He smiled. "Of course! What time do you work tomorrow?"


He nodded and stood up. "Well then I guess we better get going then, We need to walk back to the car though..."

You chucked. "Hey it was your idea to take a walk.."

His face deadpanned. "Yeah..but I didn't think you'd actually walk with me.."

"Fair point..but we better go now, because I don't wanna run into them.."

Oikawa nodded frantically. "Good point...Awe Iwa..why do you have to be so lonely?"

You smiled to your friend as you both started back towards the car, ready to call it a night.

Sorry for the lack of Kenma in these last chapters, I just wanted to establish the relationship with Oikawa and Y/n! I hope you're staying safe and doing well! I promise Kenma will be in the next chapter!!!!!

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