Apologies and Greetings

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The end of the school day came and you and Kenma were still sitting outside behind the school.
Not much words were exchanged but you didn't mind, it was a comfortable silence as the two of you played games on your phones.

You watched as the students started to flee out of the school doors one by one.
Your stomach grew weak when you'd a a few holding the flyers in their hands, or when you would over hear gossip.

"I better get going, don't wanna miss my train.." You said softly, standing up and patting your clothes down from the dirt.

"I should get going too, I'm sure Kuroo will be texting me here soon when he doesn't see me come out of class..."

Your eyes looked down to your hands. "I'm sorry for dragging you into all of this...It's definitely not what I wanted.."

Kenma watched as your eyes started to gloss over. You truly did feel horrible for the drama that has been caused.

"There's nothing you could of done to stop it Y/n...No matter how you would've broken up with Renjiro..He would still act like this.."

You nodded to Kenma.
"I have to go..Tell Kuroo that I'm sorry about the gym?"

"Why don't you come with me then? Talk to him yourself in person?"

You checked the time on your phone. 
Your shift was to start at 4pm, so you had some extra time to say hi to him.
You gave Kenma a smile and nodded to him, to which he finally stood up and lead the way for the gym.

When the two of you got there, some members of the team were already there, staring at the gym's condition.

Kenma did his best to block your view but ended up failing as you pushed through the crowd of volleyball boys.
Standing inside was Kuroo and two other, older males. You only assumed it was their coaches.

You slowly walked up to the three.

Kuroo was the first to notice you and he gave you an apologetic look.
"Are you okay L/n?"

"L/n? Like the L/n written on these posters?"

Your and Kuroo nodded together.
Your bowed slightly to the two. "I would like to apoligize for the state of your gym, and I would be more than happy to help clean up..."

As much as you couldn't help because you had work, you would easily call in sick to help everyone.

The taller man with black hair shook his head. "This is not your fault, someone is bullying you and I would like to give my apologies to you."
You stood up straight and took a closer look at him, he looked familiar in a way that you couldn't pinpoint.

The other man was giving Kuroo a few words, before Kuroo ran off to his team that waited outside the gym doors.

"Wait I know you." The man with dark hair said.

You raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yes, you're that lovely waitress at that one restaurant just pass the third stop on the train.."

That's when it hit you.
"Ah yes, you and your wife? um..come every Friday night for dinner...The miso ramen right? But easy on the broth?"

"That's a good memory..say..you seem really nice..why would someone do this to you?"

You sighed. "I don't have concrete proof but..I believe it was my ex boyfriend who did this..I just broke up with him today and well..this all happened."

"Have you mentioned it to the principle?" The older man asked.

You nodded. "Actually Kenma-kun and i went today..But since there's no proof and the fact that he's the captain of the schools basketball team..He's getting away with it.."

The two men shook their head. 
"That's a shame...of course it's the basketball team..the principle care for nothing more than that team...I'm Nekomata by the way, I'm their coach. And this here is Naoi, but you probably already know that."

You bowed to the man. "Pleasure to meet you sir Nekomata...Um..I really hate to do this but I have to catch the train..Um.."

"You have a shift right?" Naoi asked with a smile.

You nodded your head. "I'm sorry, but tomorrow..I'll come early with the boys and help clean up if needed..I'm also the reason why this is here.."

Nekomata shook his head. "Nonsense, I'm marching to the principle right now and giving him an earful, there's no way I'm letting anyone but the culprit clean this up."

"You better get going, you don't wanna be late for work right?" Naoi pushed you slightly on the shoulder.
You gave the two coaches a smile before leaving.

As you walked out the gym you noticed that the whole team was there now, and they were all looking at you.
Your face flushed red and you became shy.
You were gonna say sorry to Kuroo, but decided against it.

Turning on your heels you took off for the train station, hoping to make it there on time.

"That was her right? The girl mentioned on the posters?" Yaku Morisuke asked his captain.

"Yeah..That's L/n..someone who doesn't deserve what is happening right now.." Kuroo mumbled softly as he watched your figure fade in the distance.

"Kozume-san? Are you okay?" Inuoka So asked.

Kenma shook his head, as his face was pale as a ghost.


You had been almost five minutes late for your shift but your co-worker had covered for you, as she knew how you had travel and right now, it was prime rush hour.
You ran into the bathroom to quickly change into your work gear and ran to meet your co-worker to help set up for the night.

"You okay? Looks like you haven't been sleeping?" She asked you.

"No..I've been sleeping Kami..it's just..I broke up with my boyfriend today.."

"That punk you always talk bad about? About time kid!"

You shook your head as frown was etched on your face. "He started spreading rumors..about me cheating and now..well..it's a long story.."

Kami's face softened. "High school drama, I don't miss it one bit..but hey, keep your head up okay? I'm this will blow over and become boring news soon.."

You gave her a half smile. "I hope so.."

The night consisted of many tables coming in and out, it seemed like the two of you working just wasn't enough.
But since being understaffed, you had no choice in the matter.
You would greet every table with a smile and bow, and bid them goodbye the same.
The night felt like it was never going to end.

Just as the dinner rush was finally calming down a bit, only a few more hours to go on your shift, the door had rung to let you know another customer has come in.

You peaked your head to the door to see who it was, ready to greet them and take them to a clean table.
But your eyes widened and your mouth fell open.
These were the last people you thought you'd see here...The whole volleyball team..

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