Golden Week

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Golden week in Japan had finally made its appearance and you were glad that school would be out for a whole week.
The only thing was...The day after golden week..the monday...was your birthday.

You were currently making yourself some breakfast since both your parents still had work to go to. You were also happy that your shift at your work wasn't till at four. So you got up early to just enjoy the day before you had to put on a fake smile and serve.

Being honest, you felt drained with everything that happened.
It's been a week since Renjiro had been suspended and you could only assume his father took away his phone because he was silent on all social media. You were happy to see that because after a whole week, the posts and polls have finally gone away.

The breakup thing and the cheating thing had finally became old news, but the trama still stuck with you.
You couldn't walk into the girls washroom without making sure no one was in there.
You had a hard time looking at any social media, afraid that there would be a new rumor that made its way to the top of all gossip.
You hated that you had nightmares about the whole ordeal and when you found yourself alone to your thoughts.

You would remember back to the days you and Renjiro dated and only sighed when you saw the signs of him being toxic and yet you stayed with him for so long. It drove you crazy.

But what hurted you the most was the loss of your childhood best friend Emiko.

The two of you were inseparable and always hung out.
Emiko was like Kuroo back in middle school, but high school changed her and you still wished it hadn't.
She never tried to talk to you since the time she stood in your classroom door, right after you broke up with Renjiro.

Emiko hurt you beyond words and it always stuck daggers in your heart when you'd come across an old memory.
She was your best friend after all..but you knew you were better without her, but it still hurt.

But you also had to laugh at the fact that instead you became closer with her brother.

You were just pouring syrup on your pancakes when you heard your phone ding.

You looked down and saw Kuroo's name pop up.
You smiled as you remembered that he took your phone to send himself that video and he also took that opportunity to add Kenma's number too.
You also made a mental note to add a passcode. 

Kuroo: Hey wake up and open up!

You furrowed your brows at the message but then jumped when a loud knock was heard at your door.

You threw on the hood of your hoodie and went to answer the door.
You raised an eyebrow when you saw a smirking Kuroo and Kenma right behind him.
You stepped aside to let the two in.

"What are you guys doing here? You know it's like really early right?" Yous aid as you walked back to your pancakes and started to eat.
"Oh there's extra there if you guys are hungry." 

Kuroo didn't hesitate to grab a plate and serve himself a few pancakes, then making his way over to you and took a seat across from you. Forcing Kenma to take the seat next to you.

"So, You gonna answer my question Kuroo-san?" You smiled slightly.

Kuroo took a bite of his breakfast and held up a finger to you as he chewed, letting you know he'll talk in a minute.
"So..Your birthday is next week huh?"

Your eyes widened to him.
How the hell did you kn-...Emiko...

"My sister kinda told me..But I don't wanna talk about her, actually we came here because we have to meet up with the team to go to Miyagi for a couple practice matches. Thought we'd come by to see if you wanted to come."

You shook your head. "Thank you for thinking about me, but I work at four."

"Call in."

You chuckled. "I can't do that Kuroo. I kinda need the money.."

Kenma furrowed his eyebrows. "Why didn't you tell us about your birthday Y/n?"

You have him a half smile and shrugged. "Just another day honestly."

Kuroo chuckled. "I remember Emiko saying something like that last year, boy did you make her so mad."

You chuckled. "I wanted to just stay in and eat cake, while she wanted to go shopping and throw a party.."

"You don't look the type."

"I'm not." You stood up from your seat and looked to Kenma. "You not eating?"

Kenma shook his head. "Not really hungry.."

"Kenma, you didn't even eat yet!" Kuroo bickered.

You smiled to yourself as you left for the kitchen to put your empty plate in the sink then grabbing a new plate and adding the last couple of pancakes into it.

You walked over and placed the plate down in front of Kenma and gave him a smile.

Kuroo eyed you and couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

"So what schools you guys playing against today?" You asked as you yawned.

"Some school in Miyagi but the one I'm excited for is Karasuno." Kuroo smirked.

"Karasuno? I think my mom went there when she was in high school."

"That's cool."

You smiled. "Yeah..She met my dad there too.."

"Highschool sweethearts huh?" Kuroo smiled.

You nodded with a smile. 
"So why you excited to face Karasuno exactly?"

"Well." Kuroo started, finishing up his last bite. "Our coach and their old coach had this rivalry and well, it's been a long time since we faced them..So I guess I'm excited to see what the big fuss is over."

You nodded slowly to Kuroo. 
"Volleyball things that I'll never understand."

Kenma looked up from his food and nodded to you as well.

"You excited Kenma?" You asked him.

He sighed. "I don't know, I guess not..but does it really matter?"

"Awe come on man ! Don't be like that!" Kuroo punched his friends arm playfully, making Kenma roll his eyes.

You giggled at the two's interaaction.

"Well.." Kuroo said while standing up. "thank you for breakfast, but we better get to Nekoma to meet with the rest of the team."

"I'm in the opposite direction of Nekoma..Why did you guys come all the way here to invite me when you could of just texted?"

"Well because, we wanted to ask you in person, thought I'd be a nice gesture... Right Kenma?"

Kenma flinched at his name.

You smiled to the two.
"Well thank you for thinking about me."

Kuroo smiled with a nod and motioned Kenma to follow him.

"Just leave your plate Kenma, I'll clean up after you guys leave."

Kenma nodded slowly as he stood to meet Kuroo at the door.
"Um.. Have a good day Y/n.." He shyly said.

You felt your cheeks flush a bit.
"You too, have fun! Let me know how it goes?"

Kenma nodded.

You watched the two leave and you couldn't help but smile.
It's been a while since you had friends like this.
Emiko would never go out of her way like this to invite you somewhere.. She wouldn't even text you most of the time.. It just made you realize how much of a better person Kuroo is compared to his sister.

Also you noticed one more thing.
Kenma was cute when he spoke shyly.

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