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The remaining of the school week had flown by.
Thankfully the day that Kuroo and Renjiro fought, there were no hands thrown, but you did earn yourself for Renjiro to ignore you.

It hurt that no matter how hard you tried to talk to him and try and talk things out, He would pretend to not see you, or ignore all your texts. He was becoming distant and it worried you. He was acting like you both broke up, but you never did. Just got into a really big fight.
If you were being honest, you missed his touch.
His hands inside of yours or the soft smile he'd give you first thing in the morning.
But also thinking back, you haven't seen that side of Renjiro for months..

But nothing was going to work. So you decided to give up trying to get him to talk to you and decided on waiting for him to come back to you. But there was also a part of you that knew this was probably the end, besides, you also had your suspicions. 

But today was Saturday and Emiko had invited you to hangout with her today. She said it would be a time for 'just us girls' and 'no boyfriend drama'.

So on this Saturday afternoon you were walking to her house.
Thankfully she just lives walking distance from the school so you could take the same route like you always do, never stressing about taking a new route.

You've only been to her house only a handful of times. When you both were younger, she's prefurred to hang at your place since her brother would 'constantly annoy her.'

You were happy that she had decided to make plans with you because these days, you felt like you needed a break.
Thankfully a co-worker asked if she could have your Saturday shift, because she wanted more hours. You happily gave it to her.

When you finally arrived to Emiko's house, you gave a soft knock at the door.
Patiently waiting for your friend's smile when she opens the door in her usual cheerful self.

"Hel-Oh> Hey L/n." Kuroo smiled.

You didn't expect it to be Kuroo but gave him a smile anyways.
"Is Emiko here?"

Kuroo raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, she just left not too long ago.."

Your smile slowly started to fade.

Kuroo sighed. "She made plans with you right?"

You slowly nodded. "It's okay though! I understand, she just probably forgot..No biggie..."
But it was. It hurt to know that she had forgotten about your plans with her, not to mention that she was the one to make them.
You even checked your phone to see if you missed a message of her canceling, but there was nothing.

The other sad part..this wasn't the first time that this has happened..

"Hey L/n? Kenma's over too, were playing video games if you want to join for a bit?"

You smiled and shook your head.
"It's okay Kuroo! I don't want to intrude.."

"And I don't like how my sister made you come all the way here for nothing, at least just come in and stay for a little bit? Just a break before having to travel again."

You sighed in defeat. You really didn't feel like traveling all the way back home, not to mention that your parents knew you were going out with Emiko...the last thing you wanted to do was answer questions.
The questions about Renjiro were bad enough.

"Come on L/n.." Kuroo pushed a bit more.

You gave him a nod and walked into the house, Kuroo holding the door more open for you.
"We're just hanging in my room, would you like a water or something?"

"Water is fine thank you.."

Kuroo nodded. "You can go up if you want, you remember which is my room right?"

You nodded as you took your shoes off at the door and walked up the stairs to his room.
You noticed the sounds of a shooting game coming from inside. You coughed a little bit to let Kenma know you were here. You didn't want to scare him while he was in the zone.

You heard the sound of his dying and immediately felt bad.
"Oh I'm sorry Kozume.."

He shook his head. "I was one my last health anyways and I wasn't gonna make it.. Why are you here l/n?"

"Oh um..I was supposed to hang with Emiko today but-"

"She blew you off?"

You nodded with a weak smile.
"So Kuroo invited me in anyways.."

Kenma nodded to you.
He held out the controller. "Wanna try?"

Your smile grew wider. "Sure!" 
You then walked over to him and sat next to him on the floor, minding the space between the two of you.

"Oh I like this game! I've wanted to play it for so long but I don't have the console for it.."

"You play many video games?"

You shook your head. "Only on my phone mostly..I wish I could play more but I have to save up for a console..."

"I see.." Kenma said softly as he watched you select a character and start the game.

Kuroo had come back into the room not too long after you started, he placed a bottle of water beside you and took a seat on his bed, watching you kick ass at the game you were playing.

You were in full concentration mode as you made it to the boss level with full lives left.

Kenma noticed how focused you were and how you would bite the bottom of your lip when a hard part came, or how you would scrunch up your nose when you made a wrong move.

With a few more clicks of the buttons, you had defeated the boss level.
You threw your hands up in the air.

"Have you played this before L/n? Kenma here has been trying to beat that level all day..."

You felt your cheeks burn slightly at Kuroo's words.
"Well..I've actually watched a few videos on this game because I couldn't play I guess I kinda cheated in a way.."

Kenma shook his head. "It's still impressive L/n.."

You smiled to Kenma. "Thank you."

"Hey you guys hungry? I'm hungry."

"Yeah.." Kenma said softly.

"I'm okay, I ate before I came here..." 

Kuroo nodded as he left his room, leaving you and Kenma alone.

You gave the controller back to Kenma and lifted your legs to your chest, crossing your arms and leaned them on top of your knees.

"Are you okay?" Kenma asked.

You smiled to him. 
"I'm okay.."

"You don't look okay...Is it because of Emiko?"

You sighed. "Kinda..."

"I don't know why you stay friends with her..she's nothing but drama..."

"I mean you're not wrong Kozume...But hey, you wanna know something?"


Your smiled faded. "I know for a fact that my best friend is sleeping with my boyfriend." 

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