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"Wait what!"

You quickly followed after Renjiro out of the cafeteria, hoping to stop him with whatever he had in mind.

"Ren what are doing!"

He stayed silent as he searched the halls for Kenma.
It wasn't long till he found him walking in the opposite way of you two.

"Renjiro stop it!" You pleaded which made Kenma and Kuroo turn around.
You felt even worse when you saw Kuroo.

They both gave Renjiro a confused look as well as to you.
Your face was bright red with embarrassment and frustration.

"Kozume!" Renjiro yelled out making Kenma flinch.

You were right behind Renjiro when he reached for Kenma's collar, lifting him up slightly.
"What's your business with my girlfriend?!?"

You held a worried look and felt frozen in your tracks.
Luckily Kuroo reached for Renjiro's arm and unhooked his fingers from Kenma's shirt.

"The hell you want with my friend Renjiro?" Kuroo spat at him.

"I wanna know what business your friend here has with my girl!"

"Back off Renjiro, he didn't do anything!" Kuroo was now getting furious.

Renjiro lost his cool and reached for Kuroo the same way he went for Kenma. Kuroo didn't fight him off instead he let Renjiro land a punch square on his jaw.
It felt like everything was moving in slow motion and you couldn't breathe. You hated fights and this way going way too fast.
Kuroo wasn't even fighting back, but Kenma was about to launch at Renjiro when you finally took control back and went for him first.

You grabbed onto his arm that was holding Kuroo in place and tried to rip him away.
Renjiro looked to you and in one swift motion he knocked you off of him, sending you crashing to the floor.

"Hey!" Kenma yelled as he did what you tried to do, but this time he had succeeded.

Kuroo was giving a disgusted look to Renjiro.
Kenma had turned to you and went to se if you were okay.

Thankfully you only took a minor blow on the head from landing on the ground, other than that you were fine.
Your eyes were glossed over as you saw Renjiro didn't saw anything to you but just left you on the ground.

"Ren! The hell were you thinking! They didn't do anything!" You finally spat out.

 Renjiro looked down to you, but darted his eyes towards Kenma who was squating next to you.
"You! Get away from her you freak!"

"Says the guy that just threw his own girlfriend." Kuroo retorted.

"Just stop it! Okay just stop it!" You pleaded again with tears falling down your face.

"Hey what's going on here." A teacher asked as they approached the scene.

"Nothing sir, just a slight argument." Kuroo said in a calm tone that it took you by surprise.

"Move along then, there will be no fighting here gentlemen." The teacher ordered.

"Y/n let's go!" Renjiro spat out.

Kuroo and Kenma looked over to you. In their minds they hoped that you wouldn't go to him after what he did to you.

But you hated fights, and you knew that if you were to not follow Renjiro then that would just cause another fight with Kuroo and Kenma, besides, you could handle yourself.
You wiped away the tears as you stood up.
Kenma wanted to help you as you stumbled but knew if he did, he would get a feeling of what one of Renjiro's punches were like.

Renjiro didn't even bother to help you up as he stared down Kenma with a piercing glare.
It did hurt you a little bit that he didn't even feel sorry for knocking you to the ground, but it also this moment when you knew that the old Renjiro you once knew...was gone.


You had continued school in a daze. Replaying what happened earlier in your head over and over again.
The look Kuroo had when he took the blow of a hard punch and not once fought back, you couldn't help but feel bad.

"Are you okay?" Kenma whispered to you as the teacher finished talking.

You looked up to Kenma from your notebook with empty eyes.
"If only I didn't take your phone...or at least remember that I did..then none of this would of happened..." You spoke softly, holding back tears once again.

Kenma observed the way you looked at him, not noticing the usual light in your eyes, he also noted that you weren't particular talking to him, but through him.
Your eyes in daze just looking past him.
It pained him to see you like that.

You felt like something hit you in the heart when you snapped back into reality and saw Kenma's hazel eyes staring back you. They held nothing but empathy.

"I'm sorry Kozume-san...I zoned out there for a sec.."

Kenma nodded and looked back down at his phone, feeling a bit flustered that you had finally caught him staring at you.
You furrowed your eyebrows and gave him a small smile.
"I would like to apologize for Renjiro's outbur-"

"You don't need to be apologizing for fact you shouldn't be at all." He spoke softly, bot moving his eyes from his phone.

You gave a soft look as you watched him play his game for a second. You turned your head and shaked it a bit to try to focus on your worked that laid on your desk.

You couldn't seem to focus after many attempts so you decided to just live in your thoughts because fight them were tiring you out more than you wished for.

Kenma would occasionally look over to you and he would see nothing but you zoned out again.
He didn't know this but when you had left with Renjiro after the fight, he spoke hurtful words that will forever be burned into your brain.
He asked why you were on their side, or why you tried to stop him.
He also mentioned how lucky you were that he took it easy on you when he threw you to the ground, that it was him 'being nice.' That statement alone made you feel very small.

He had kept going on and on how Kenma was a freak and Kuroo was one as well. But at that point you had kept silent, choosing to zone his voice out as he spoke hurtful words towards the two boys who had done nothing but been nice to you.

You also remembered how Kuroo insisted on staying with you for lunch in the classroom so you wouldn't be alone.
The pit in your stomach grew more at that thought.

The bell was the sound to wake you up from your trace.
You started to collect your things when Kenma spoke up.
"I'm sorry if I caused a fight between you two...I'm not sure what I did but I'm sorry that you got hurt."

Your eyes widened. "Please don't feel sorry! You did nothing wrong at all! It's just Renjiro..he was jealous for some reason and lashed out..It's not your fault okay?" 

Kenma only nodded to you before leaving the classroom. Leaving you alone with a choice.
To go home, or to Renjiro's practice like you promised.

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