Caught at Work

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You froze in your place as you watched the team walk into your work.
Kami came by your side and noticed your frozen state.
"L/n? You okay?"

"T-they go to my s-school..."

Kami nodded as she knew you kept this whole job thing a secret.
"I really hate to do this L/n..but my tables are full..We can switch if you want?"

You shook your head to her.
"You have enough on your plate..c-can you just sit them down for me?"

She nodded and walked over to the group. Greeting the and taking the to their seats.

You needed a moment to collect yourself.
Naoi wouldn't of told them right? Why were they here? Would they all judge you for having this job?
You drank a glass of cold water before taking a deep breath and walking to the table.

"Good evening everyone, may I start you off with some drinks?" You smiled.
You decided to keep the same persona and greet them like any other customer, your boss was also in the back and you didn't want to get in trouble with acting out of character.

"Ah hello there L/n, How's the night been? Has it been busy?" Naoi asked with a smile.

Everyone looked up to you, shock written all over their faces.

"L/n? You work here?" Kuroo asked surprised.

You kept your fake smile and nodded to him. "Drinks?"

Kenma didn't keep his eyes off of you as he was also surprised at the fact that you had a serving job, but to him, that explained all the loose change you had today.

You pulled out your notepad and took everyone's drink orders, trying to not keep eye contact with everyone.
Once that was done, you rushed off to grab each drink.
But you noticed one drink was missing, it was Kenma's.

"Wait I didn't know she worked here..." Yaku said.

"Me neither...She looked just as shocked as we were..." Kai added.

"Coach Naoi, why didn't you tell us she worked here?" Kuroo asked.

"Well, I didn't think it was important, I just wanted to treat the team and I knew this place was good with food."

Everyone nodded to their coach and continued to look through the menu.

"Kenma? You didn't order a drink did you?" Kuroo whispered to his friend.

Kenma shook his head. "I forgot to.."

"Well when she comes back, you could tell her then?"

Just as Kuroo was done speaking, you had returned with a tray full of drinks, placing each one down to everyone.

You gave Kenma a small smile as you placed a drink down in front of him.
Being too anxious to go back, you just grabbed the same one he had picked earlier today at the vending machine.

Kuroo raised an eyebrow. "How does she know your favourite?"

Kenma held back a smile as you remembered. "She has a good memory that's how.."

Once each drink was placed down you readied your notepad.
"Had everyone decided?"

Everyone spoke one by one and you took their order down, You hated big tables like this, especially now when it was someone you knew but you tried to keep your cool as you answered questions the odd time and took everyone's order.

Kuroo had given you a smile as he ordered for himself then Kenma.
"L/n? How are you?" He added after he was done.

You dropped your smile at his voice. Your stomach doing all kinds of twists and turns.
"I'm better than this afternoon, but I better throw these orders in so you guys don't have to wait any longer." You smile again and walked away from the table of boys.

Once you punched in the orders in the computer and sent them off to the kitchen you finally let put out the breath you didn't know you were keeping in.

"L/n? Are you okay? Are they giving you a hard time?" Kami asked.

"No it's not that..just been an eventful day.." 

"Well only one more hour closing.." She smiled to you and pat you on the shoulder.

You nodded to her as you grabbed another cold glass of water.
The smell of the food being made made your stomach growl. You yet again didn't have a chance to have a break again...

Once everyone's food was ready, Kami had helped you bring out each order.
You had balanced two large plates on your forearm, adn two small one between your fingers, one more plate in your other hand.

Kami did the same, but there will probably be another trip after this one.

You kept the same smile as Kami did and placed each order down, also telling Kami which dinner belonged to.
Kuroo was quite impressed with how much you remembered and was even more shocked with how you kept the same smile.

Once you were done, you made sure everyone had everything and left them to eat.

"I feel bad for her.." Kenma spoke softly so only Kuroo could hear him.

"Why's that?"

"Not only did she have to go to work after a day like today, but she also has to keep this smile on her face that I know is forced..nothing is more draining.."

Kuroo nodded to his friend. "I feel bad too..."

"Say so since she's single now, do you think I have a chance?"

"Shut up Lev." Kenma said to the new recruit to the team.

Lev pouted a bit.

"Yeah Lev, haven't you heard? Apparently that Kozume's girl." Yamamoto teased.

"You shut it too Yamamoto." Kuroo interjected. "It's not funny okay?"

Yamamoto put his hands up in the air in defeat.

Kenma shook his head at his teammates as well as Kuroo.

"Kuroo, I have to ask though..ya know since you know her well..but what is the story?" Yaku asked.

Kuroo sighed. 
"She got involved with the wrong crowd of friends..." He answered simply.

"Do you think the guy that she had been with did it? Ya know the one that came looking for her last week at our gym? What was his name?.."

"Renjiro..yeah we think it was him since she broke up with him this morning." Kenma interrupted.

"Man..I wouldn't be okay if I was in her shoes..." Kai chimed in with a frown.

Kuroo hummed in agreement. "She's been nothing but nice to others and this is what she gets in return.."

Kenma looked up from his dinner and noticed that you were taking a seat by the register, holding your head in your hands.
He felt incredibly bad for you.

"Kozume? What does this whole thing with L/n have to do with you?"

Kenma's attention was brought back to Lev's question.
Kuroo noticed his distant state and looked over to where he was looking, to see you look absolutely exhausted.

"He thinks that she cheated on him with me..but that's not true..he was the one to cheat actually.."

"With who?" Lev asked.

Kenma felt his chest tighten as he eyed Kuroo from the corner of his eye.
"Um..I-It was..Kuroo's s-sister.."

Kuroo shot his head to Kenma. "Wanna repeat that Kenma?"

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